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Posts posted by 89xonoma89

  1. This need to be added as a privacy feature or something of the sort. It has become clear now that anyone under several years of age will be marked as alts.

    Now onto the discussion of alts, an alt is an alternate character that you play. It is not your main character and an alt is only an alt if it actually is an alternate character and not your main.

    I am tired of being called an alt, I played a year or two ago and lost my account information and the email I used for it. I can't even remotely remember the name of my other account. So I created a new one got some items and suddenly I am an alt because I am not running around with no AO and items from somewhere other than freebie galaxy. Wrong. This is my main, I do not play my on my other account because I cannot access it. Why this isn't good enough for some people, blows my mind. Why would I waste my own money on an alt character? I mean really come on now. 

    So basically because I am two weeks old and I have some items I am a mischevious alt out to cause hate and distcontent.

    This is why the public display of character age needs to be removed or atleast added as a privacy feature as there is nothing positive to be gained from it other than blatant discrimination and drama from other players.

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