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Posts posted by KaseyMonster09

  1. I have a Windows 8 computer and when i downloaded the SL viewer from the website it worked for maybe about 5 minutes then would log me off. Also it glitched around and had a lot of rainbow colors everywhere on the viewer. Does SL not work on windows 8? I need a nerd to help me firgure out how to be able to use Secondlife on my new laptop! Please Please Please help me. ~KaseyM

  2. I Can't ever find a good shape without changing up everything of my avitar if anyone knows a good shape please can you leave a link to it in marketplace or name of inworld store! I just want a basic shape to go well with my skin im not all fancy with changing my shape so buying one is easier. I would like one with a few different sizes of the stomach.. they seem hard to find but maybe one of you can help me out. Thank you so much!! -Kasey

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