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Posts posted by GinkoStar

  1. 17 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

    You chose "Play untill I click notification" but at the same time you chose "Never play sound" in the section sabove!

    You should choose "Play sound candidate 2 (6 seconds)" ... at least that's what I did

    I'm not using sound (hear impaired), but that's what made the refresh stop on search fulfilled for me. Obviously anyone else not in my conditions may have a better time enabling sound :)

    The taskbar icon started to flash as well, that's when I got the alarm.

    • Like 2
  2. To have the plugin stop refreshing when the search pattern is found, enter its settings and have that "play until I click the notification box" checkmark on.

    ...and good luck 😊



    Edit to add: I haven't seen any popup/notification box, and I can't tell if it's because I'm blocking popups in the browser options or any other reasons, but when the search is fulfilled the Autorefresh icon in the toolbar shows "YES" instead of the countdown.

  3. Ok, I'm one of the lucky people who landed in Smokey 😎

    I was just minding my business when Chrome stopped refreshing the page, "W..T.., Meadowbrook?", but the icon was clearly showing YES....

    It happened that Bellisseria was the second item in the list, and after two "page error, retry to choose your home" warnings I've seen the "your home" page YAY!!!

    At least I now know:

    1) the Autorefresh was working as intended

    2) the rate of land abandoning is MUCH lower now

    3) there must be some procedure that doesn't immediately release the new homes into the pool, contrary to what happens with all other themes (noticed how many times Grayson disappears from the Meadowbrook list, only to return five or ten minutes later? If that last Grayson home is what I've checked - and fast abandoned - I wouldn't be surprised, considering where it's literally embedded.....)

    4) I wouldn't be surprised too if the abandoned lands are manually managed in that phase to give a sort of idea on the real request from residents, and that explains the lack of available homes during the weekend for me


    To answer who asked me about the refresh time: I set it after some tests, until I could see the page to completely render before the next refresh and it was 2 seconds for me - slower connections may need 3 or even 4 seconds -.

    I doubt the plugin hadn't still scanned the entire page when it was fully loaded.


    now the hard time of choices, what home, what of them is better supported in MP etc etc etc etc.........groans!

    • Like 2
  4. Thanks for your reply, Leora.

    Autorefresh is very simple to setup, and you can use more than one word just using "|" between the words (it's shift+the top leftmost key, just under ESC, at least in Italian layout, and sorry I don't know the exact name of that symbol).

    I tested it using "Grayson" as the last word - and the extension found it.

    So, I was using "houseboat|traditional|Bellisseria" as the search pattern, and now using just "Bellisseria" but still nothing ("Tahoe" alone worked as well so I'm sure the page would contain Bellisseria even if embedded in a script/text field).

    I'm really wondering if there's any caching proxy between me and the site, all  I can say is, I've stumbled upon some Bellisseria abandoned homes while refreshing by F5 before installing Autorefresh , some days ago (obviously they were gone by the time I was able to press ACCEPT...). And yes, I disabled - or at least think to have disabled - the caching in Chrome.

    (But....can PHP pages with database queries be cached, anyway, other than images?).

  5. How do you find Bellisseria houses, while I'm leaving Chrome+Autorefresh Plus working day/night for an entire weekend, set to stop when the word is found, and it won't ever stop?

    Gone bed on friday night, leaving it running, and the next morning it was still happily refreshing.....read: Bellisseria-houseboat-traditional have never ever shown up in the entire night!

    Same goes for the entire Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday, Sunday night.....I'm pretty sure it was still running when the Monday release was online....N-O-T-H-I-N-G!

    Where's the damn proxy that's caching the page??? No, wait....Grayson comes and goes, so that's not the reason.......


    Ok, I'm a BIT frustrated, does it show? 😡

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