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Posts posted by COCA Yven

  1. On 4/15/2022 at 11:53 AM, AgmortenDK said:

    I just read the first review of the new AMD cpu. In games will it give a boost. Was wondered If it also boost SL




    I know it is over one year late, and while Id like to now if You  did commit to an AMD 3d CPU if you had any chance to compare it to other contemporary CPu's with what results.

    That being said, if You still have not made a computer upgrade, I will say as  follows in the hope it can be of use to You:

    1 First of all, when building ANY system, You must first assess  what resolution You wish to run,,, so the display dictates anything You choose to build a PC system that is dedicated for gaming...(if building a workstation other factors come as apriority and display is irrelevant to a certain extent as you cold very well run a multiple GPu workstation with a one GPu solely dedicated to  drive your monitor set up..)

    best results come at 1080P  which is starting to become obsolete and I do not find the cost of going X3d justifiable for a 1080p experience as SL is not competitive gaming and You cannot eg run 244Hz... as a matter SL true FPS is capped at 40ish even if you see more.

    Ideally 1440P is where you can justify the purchase of  a more expensive CPu like 7800X3d for SL or gaming in general.

    At 4K which is what I am trying to figure out Myself, it is a mystery as I cannot find any documentation if on single threaded performance on Open GL engines  X3d at 4k will cash in extra performance or not...In theory You should have better lows...


    there is another factor to consider about SL that is different  from any other game regardless of the engine it is running on, and that is that SL has editable run time...this means that You with any amount of users on teh same simulators can edit the game while running it,,,, this is the UNIQUE fantastic feature to SL, but it has it s draw backs...


    In other games before You boot into the  scene You will play in, You will have a preload time where all the textures and assets of the game are loaded immediately into Your memory and frame buffer....

    On second Life this happens ONLY after you, so to say it in simple words, either spawned, or teleport into a region...which then You experience what we  know as Rezing and Rez time.


    So to rez faster You need tons of internet bandwidth and  set your viewer to have maximum Viewer bandwidth  so to be able to grab on server baked stuff faster, at the same time You want very quick IOPS and read hard drive..M2 hard drive,  with  a cpu that is very quick to unzip your cached assets into the world u are spawned in.

    The system memory and the GPu Memory  and your  non volatile will be put at  work during rez time.

    Once Your assets are loaded onto your GPu and the textures as well, then it is the combination of CPu and GPu that have to handle the massive amount of geometry you deal with in SL...You can easily deal with tens of millions of triangles in a club where all avatars are fully customized , dancing and live streaming is ongoing.


    SO In My opinion, there is two scenarios  where performance needs to be considered...

    1 is how long to rez

    2 how are you interacting  with anything inworld once u do have all rezzed? how many FPS?!



    AMD 3d cache is as if running ram memory 5 times faster... eg 4800 memory would be as if running 4800x5.... 6000 memory would be as if running 6000 memory x5, that is because CPu cache is always faster than ram memory no matter what and it is usually about 5 times faster.

    At lower resolutions, Your CPu Gpu and memory interactions are many small sized ones, while eg at 4k its less but bigger ones, therefore Cu clocks and instructions per clock  matter less ONLY  AND SOLELY WHEN THEY AR ENOT LOW ENOUGH TO bottleneck your graphics card....it i s to say if u running a 7700k Intel cpu with a 4090, the generational gap is so big that You will   suffer FPS and cam navigation  performance a lot because the GPu is always waiting on a CPu that  cant deliver in time even if at 4k.


    So once u have a state of the art powerful GPu and aa state of the art fast SSD, when choosing what CPu and platform to run, it all comes down to HOW LONG DO YOU WANT your system to last  and still offer decent performance?!

    So By logic buying a 3d cache cpu might not give You benefits compared to eg a 7700x at 4k today, but  as time passes and you upgrade GPU and  Sl  becomes more and more complex, You might pull out  one generation more  of CPu  performance out of the x3d cpu than the non x3d...that would be in the sense that if u getting eg  60 fps today, you might still get 60 fps for one year more out of a larger cache Cpu like these AMD 3d cached ones.

    If SL is all what u like as far as gaming, I would set up a 1440p nice big smart TV as monitor and calibrate it, a nice very quick m.2 ssd with lowest latency... Samsung, WD and Kingston fury gen 5.o are the best in this , and then buy a  8 core cpu with its proper EXPO ram...just aim at a GPu that has at least 16Gb of memory , I would recommend even buying a used 3090, 3090ti because of the  memory size and the reason for this is because if Your GPu will start to run out of memory, Your windows will start paging virtual memory this will result in much much slower performance and crashing at one point as  this kind of virtual memory is harder to get freed...

    You have seen this many times.....when a friend is telling You, I think I am going to crash soon... this is  when their system is starting to use paging and the paging is getting saturated and not freed in time to run the game resulting in a hard crash.


    Bottom line for a stable sl get overkill SSD, system memory  and Gpu,  for squeezing more FPS buy a good recent mid tier  8 core cpu that is not too expensive and upgrade every 2/3  years one of those components when you  see that benchmarks show it is at least double as fast.

    In rezing I think the NON X3d cpus will  give you much faster rez time because they decompression (unzipping cache while in RUN TIME) performance is  faster.

    IN Run Time so during game play X3d cpus might give You not much better fps but a better optimization of how much memory u loading and unloading in  your ram and Gpu, but I cannot know for sure and it is only an educated guess.... I just think that a 7900X because costing pretty much similar to a 7800X3d, is a better buy as it will anyhow compensate for its lower Cache by  single core its clocks and way faster decompression.


  2. On 4/21/2022 at 9:57 PM, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    SL runs off an ancient Havok based graphics engine and only uses a single core of a CPU. Buying a new 8 core AMD Ryzen 5800X3D CPU just for SL is extreme overkill and a waste of money.

    For starters Havok is not graphics engine.

    I am not sure  why You chose to come on forums and spread disinformation like this, that has less value than methane gas released by cows.

    Havok is a state of the art Physics engine, used in some of the best triple A  titles,  We could say safely that in general Havok is the best physics engine available around.

    You also need to note that being able to use Havok  implies paying a very hefty licensing fee...I am not sure how much today, but in 2010 to have a Havok License cost anything north of half a million US dollar a year.

    You know nothing of how SL works and You know nothing of how computers work and yet You have the guts to come on forums and talk BS on a thread that is about if 3D L3 cache improves SL client performance.

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