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Posts posted by VangieChalice

  1. Thanks. Right now I don't have any RLV enabled device on. I've deleted any that had anyones name on it and I'm just confused. I'll try posting at the Firestorm group. I've done a clean install of the to program, but its not helping. I even logged on a different computer entirely to see. I'll figure it out somehow. Thank you.

    No traps at my home, no one I have on my list has any acess to rez anything at that location. Thanks again.

  2. Please, if anyone has an answer I'd appreciate it. All of a sudden I'm spinning out of control when I am at my home position. If I go to another place I'm fine, but at home I turn in a continuouse circle. I also have a very bizard take on TPing now. I see the screen float to my avie. That I am less concerned about.

    I turned off RLV and it seemed to fix the problem, but I use RLV a lot and do not want to have to disable it to be at home. I am using Firestorm, and this is all something that just began today. All the rest of the week I was fine. I can not think of anything different that i've used or had on, and I tried taking everyhting off already to see if it made any difference, but it didn't seem to.

    ANy help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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