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Everything posted by ttt1107

  1. I have constructed a HUD using html and llSetLinkMedia(). In the HTML code I have created a number of buttons. I am curious if there is any way of letting the LSL script know that one of the HTML buttons was clicked. Could this be done with llHTTPReuqest() and/or llHTTPResponse()? Or in any other fashion? I would prefer to do it this way instead of overlaying prim buttons over the html buttons. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. I had a feeling that would be the case. Is there any other way of displaying text on prims without using a texture for a HUD?
  3. I am creating a HUD for a car I am creating. But instead of uploading a texture for the buttons I decided to use llSetLinkMedia() to put HTML text on each prim button. However, the text is put on the prim BUT not every prim has the html rendered at the same time. If you move the camera around and zoom in when the hud is rezed prims will start to display the text while others will go blank. This is the same when the HUD is attached only a few actually show the text while others don't. And it is always randomized, the same ones won't nessasarilly show their text when attached/rezed each time. Is there a limit to the number of active HTML views in a link set? Any thoughts or solutions?
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