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Posts posted by RainbowRash

  1. Honestly, here's my 2 cents as someone who reported plenty of ***** in SL AND plays as a furry with a sizediff kink;

    I played Second Life since 2012, got in it to cope with an abusive relationship RL breakup. Ever since I joined I always played avatars of varying heights and sizes, nearly all of them furries.

    I also played as kemono and anime avatars. Kemonos back then were already seen as 'childish' by some people even if I personally never got accused of it (probably thanks to me always having big fluffy thighs, a personal preference of mine). The only time in 11 years I ever got accused of being a child avatar is when I teleported to a store (who was also was in the same sim as an adult club) in my Nam Chibi Bunny, and even then I just blocked the person and kept on about my day.

    I personally always had a disdain for ageplayers in general, and in 2021 I ended a 14 years online friendship that also spanned 8 years of Second Life because my then friend got into *****.


    Now, the goal of Second Life for me was and has always been to keep a stress free virtual life where I can let my creativity run wild and make plenty of friends. Seriously, I CANNOT stick to a single avatar for more than a couple days. I make multiple furries a week, some as small as a dwarf, others nearly 3 meters tall. Half my time in Second Life is spent idling inworld while I make textures either as commissions or for personal use.

    While I value my Second Life account and the literal millions of Lindens I've moved through it, I value my personal wellbeing first, and I don't think I wanna spend my free time paranoically policing myself on every avatar I make because Linden Labs' terms keep getting vaguer and vaguer. Even their 'no hud' policy is completely asinine. I personally have ADHD and I have LOTS of avatars with nonsense huds saved on them, not because of any maliciousness but simply because I forgot to take them off when making a new look (God knows the amount of female avies I have saved with a furry dong hud, or how half my outfits are inexplicably saved with a macarena dancer equipped).

    I also don't think Second Life will survive if they start banning smaller furries, anime characters and baby faced women, because at the end of the day it's us, the degenerate whales/content creators that make the gears turn and move the economy, not the normies that log in to spam gestures, write truck rear quotes on their profiles and make a new avatar every 6 months.

    Like it or not Second Life has become a porn game for a lot of people. Mass banning is just gonna turn it into the next Tumblr, where everyone left and the website basically lost 80% of its stock value overnight.


    Linden Labs took years off Second Life's economy's lifespan by allowing gacha to go on for as long as it did. Their ToS update feels like a half assed attempt at fixing their company by... punishing the customers who keep their company afloat. It doesn't take much effort to check the estimated daily active playerbase of SL, which depending on how you estimate alts/bots, might very well be in the single digit thousands.


    You wanna fix SL? Make the reports actually matter and MAKE THE TERMS OF SERVICE CLEARER. I reported a literal child in bondage gear last year, and one year later they're still active and not banned. A person who is not engaging in that crap should NOT be forced to have that disgusting ***** in their back of their mind everywhere they go or have a panic attack everytime they stumble near adult furniture, constantly worried about what other people might think.

    I play Second Life to chill and spend money, not to be constantly reminded I might be surrounded by pedophiles.


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  2. The new marketplace is so very garbage, it has made me lose interest in Second Life.

    I'm usually a huge spender, I love building skyboxes and avatars, but ever since the Marketplace updated all the results it ever find is old prim garbage from 2 centuries ago and unrelated crap.

    I love how I'd burn through 40K LS in a week and now I barely spent 5. What a frustrating website to use it has become.

    • Like 6
  3. 27 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    You can't block a specific store, but you CAN exclude words.  Put NOT, in all caps, before the word you want to exclude.  As in, NOT Demo NOT mesh.

    You can also use the operators AND and OR in the Marketplace Search.


    9 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Building on what Lindal said, if the store owner has their name or abbreviated version of it in the item title or description, add that to the search prefixed with NOT and that should help exclude said store.

    Thanks, that worked perfectly!

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  4. After a small argument with the owner of a weapons store who proceeded to be extremely rude over me asking if it was possible to change a weapon's damage, I decided to browse the marketplace for another weapon seller, but even though I have blocked the owner of the previous store his junk still shows up on Marketplace search.

    Is it possible to blacklist/exclude a store so it no longer shows up on Marketplace search? Additionally, is it possible to exclude certain tags or words from Marketplace search?


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