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Posts posted by WesleyXRoberts

  1. I am frustraed beyond words at the changes in the marketplace. Here we had a system that worked 99% of the time and now we have a change and it works like 50% of the time. in the last 4 days I tried to use the market and only was able to do so 2 out of those day's. 

    What ever trust I had in the market sysstem is gone. Its way to flakey am just shopping in world stores now .The thought that I have to buy Lindens from the same people that have made this new Marketplace make me cringe now too.



  2. I have to thank the people of Linden labs, You people are saving me a lot of money with your new marketplace system.

    You see it only works half the time when I try to use it and I get so frustreated with it I don;t bother buying the product at all. 

    In fact am so pissed off with this whole NEW MARKETPLACE pay system I am not going to use it anymore. 

    Thanks again for letting me hold onto to my lindens and not having to buy any more lindens from you.


    ((please take this with a healthy dose of sarcasm))

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