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Posts posted by DinahDelacroix

  1. This project has no deadline or time frame to be completed. I simply wish for the job to be done as close to the specs as creatively possible. 

    Requirements for Builders: User of Mesh and understating of 3d textures, baked on shadows, lighting , etc. Must be able to download their own textures because SL MP does not have the textures needed. Understanding of how to break apart an existing build and manipulate if needed. (I have a great building already that has good bones and pieces) Skill in Decoration would be appreciated but not totally necessary.

    The project is an accurate recreation of the Hotel Cortez lobby from American Horror Story series. 

    Please contact DinahDelacroix or TearisDelacroix In world for specifics. 


  2. How about realistic transitions instead of having your avi go from the bed, to the floor,or to some random unrelated pose whenever you click the next animation. Nothing is more annoying then to be cuddling on a bed and want to shift into something heated and the very next pose take you to the floor or something. My other biggest gripe is when really great animators decide to throw in some seriously goofy sex positions into what could have been an top notch piece of furniture. I literally taught myself how to tear apart a script just to remove them because when a guest uses the menu and accidentally chooses it thinking its steamy it just totally ruins the mood. Mocap is your friend. Please keep it realistic and don't turn us into floppy dead dolls.

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