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Gonzales Runner

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Everything posted by Gonzales Runner

  1. Second.Futbol is a football/soccer system here in Second Life, it's one of the biggest sport systems, we currently have more than 500 people registered with our system and it's growing bigger day by day. We currently are situated in Jericho Hill Sports Complex but we would love to find a land sponsor who could help us grow even bigger by becoming our land sponsor, we can promise huge increase in land traffic which could mean one thing, more customers! It's a great opportunity especially if you have your own company as we can increase your traffic by a huge percentage, good advertisment and many many more which can be discussed privately. If you would be interested or you want to discuss with us first then please contact: Maier13 Ivanovic or Gonzales Runner. or visit our stadium: Second.Futbol HQ: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jericho%20Hill/155/121/1511 website (under construction) www.second.futbol/
  2. Stworzyliśmy w Second Life nowy system Piłki Nożnej i szukamy pilnie nowych graczy. Jest wiele ludzi w Second Life którzy nie maja pojecia o istnieniu systemu piłki nożnej i bardzo byśmy chcieli zyskać duże zainteresowanie polskich graczy. Obecnie mamy około 160 graczy z całego świata ale ta liczba moze powiekszyc sie 5cio-krotnie >>> z Twoją pomoca! <<< Chcemy stworzyć około 18 zespołów, dwie dywizje / ligi, awans i spadek. Na boisku gra się 9 v 9, będzie system spalonych jak i system sędziów! Jeżeli jesteś chetny(a) możesz nas znaleść tutaj: Boisko testowe: Jericho Hill Sports Complex http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jericho%20Hill/95/154/3502 Grupa: Second.Futbol I SecondLife: ///app/grupy/5c2dd34e-7cd4-52fb-308e-634f1bfa4464/ Chcesz wiedzieć więcej? Napisz w grze do Gonzales Runner. Pozdrawiam!
  3. Hello, I'm a president of a football club in Second Life that is currently playing on the best Football/Soccer system called "Virtual Evolution Soccer" (I reccommend you trying it out!). There are many teams playing on that system and it's a very good way of advertising your Casino/Shops/Land Estates by sponsoring a team. My team is looking for a financial sponsor that could help us out, all the money invested would be spend on our team. In advance my team would promote your Casino/Shop/Land Estate by different ways: - Casino/Shop/Land Estate Logo on our team kits. - Advertisments all over our stadium. (Which is visited by many people everyday, matches, trainings, fun matches etc.) - Advertisment on Virtual Evolution Soccer website. (Which is visited by hundreds of people everyday) - Pitch advertisment. All this will increase your traffic rapidly and bring you new clients. In few months there will be a World Cup held in Virtual Evolution Soccer system which would also be a good way to advertise you as I also own a National Team which will be playing on that event. I hope someone will get interested as I can guarantee you benefits from sponsoring us. Feel free to send me a message in-world, Gonzales Runner.
  4. Hello everyone, I am the owner of a football (soccer) club in Second Life that is playing on a really great and the most realistic football system called Virtual Evolution Soccer. My team currently has no place to play matches and we are looking for a sponsors that could let us play on their land, we would like to build a project which is a huge stadium with sporting facilities for our players and people on the sim, everything will be builded in air about 2000 or 3000 metres up so there won't be any lag. You might think "OK, It's great but what do I get for sponsoring you?" well what we can offer is a rapid increase in your traffic as everyday there will be about from 10 to 30 people on our stadium, if u own a company like casino or shop we can put your logo on our stadium with landmark in it and advertise your company on official website of football system. This is what I can promise you that your traffic will increase rapidly because we will be playing few matches per week and on every match there is a minimum of 20 people. I hope someone will get interested as we have big plans for our team and also we are trying our best to encourage people outside of Second Life to start playing Second Life for at least this football system. Thank you for reading and I wish u a happy new year :) Gonzales Runner.
  5. I have the same problem, could you fix it for me please? :matte-motes-smile:
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