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Elanes Aeon

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Everything posted by Elanes Aeon

  1. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: ok, i run script nothing happens how else am i to tell you what its not doing if it DOES NOTHING lol. But this is no longer an issue i found out the issue is my host so i changes host and it works just fine now... but thank you to the members that realy did help me.
  2. Well sence Darkie sent me to the site where the code is he knows the code and what it is to do all you would need to do is look on the wiki as well to see it, but as far as answering his i did yes the Ports on my host are open No i am not getting a socket LL is refusing the connection from my Host. LOL
  3. is there not any one out there using this set up and that it is working for?
  4. I use Hostmonster all ports are open why would it refuse connect from there servers?
  5. i have talked this over with my hosting provider the ports and sockets are open on there end for incoming and outgoing trafic, but if they try to telnet in they are getting a refused connection.
  6. I called them they open the ports... there is no reason i should not be loading.
  7. Ok i have got my script set up here http://opps.incarnate.me/test.php and the corect URL is placed in the script for the object and had my hosting Co. open the PORTS needed but nothing happens dose anyone know if this set up still works? <?phpecho "LSL Script answered:<br>";echo Advanced_HTTP_Request("http://sim10186.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/9a733888-9d5e-e247-869c-880046423bbb", "Hello script, how are you ?"); function Advanced_HTTP_Request($Host, $PostData = ""){ $Method = "POST"; if (empty($PostData)) {$Method = "GET";} $Port = 80; if (strtolower(substr($Host, 0, 5)) == "https") {$Port = 443;} $Host = explode("//", $Host, 2); if (count($Host) < 2) {$Host[1] = $Host[0];} $Host = explode("/", $Host[1], 2); if ($Port == 443) {$SSLAdd = "ssl://";} $Host[0] = explode(":", $Host[0]); if (count($Host[0]) > 1) { $Port = $Host[0][1]; $Host[0] = $Host[0][0]; } else {$Host[0] = $Host[0][0];} $Socket = fsockopen($SSLAdd.$Host[0], $Port, $Dummy1, $Dummy2, 10); if ($Socket) { fputs($Socket, "$Method /$Host[1] HTTP/1.1\r\n". "Host: $Host[0]\r\n". "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n". "User-Agent: Opera/9.01 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)\r\n". "Accept-Language: de-DE,de;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\n". "Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\n". "Content-length: ".strlen($PostData)."\r\n". "Connection: close\r\n". "\r\n". $PostData); $Tme = time(); while(!feof($Socket) && $Tme + 30 > time()) {$Res = $Res.fgets($Socket, 256);} fclose($Socket); } $Res = explode("\r\n\r\n", $Res, 2); return $Res[1];}?> this is the Code as it is on the Test.php i try calling it in the URL but nothing...
  8. Hello I am trying to use the http_request and the POST method in my script but I have an issue How Would I make a PHP script pass info to the objects URL and how to I get that info in the object LSL to use it? Would love any help been looking on the Wiki but I can't seem to find any info or Examples on how to do this Thanks!
  9. Hello I am trying to use the http_request and the POST method in my script but I have an issue How Would I make a PHP script pass info to the objects URL and how to I get that info in the object LSL to use it? Would love any help been looking on the Wiki but I can't seem to find any info or Examples on how to do this Thanks!
  10. Hello i am Elanes of Eternal Rift Games, We are looking for a skilled artist to join the team. We develop free to play games and are ready to release our first game for the Secondlife community Conquest - Conqure The Grid. We are looking for small GFx work for Images for our Cash shop Items and Some Images for our Map. If your intrested please IM or send me a note card inworld keep in mind this will be a commission based position, but dose have opportunity to make a nice amount of linden as the system grows. conquestctg.eternalrift.com
  11. Hello SL I am putting together a team to beta test my new HUD based strategy game Conquest, for more info visit http://www.eternalrift.com if you would like to join this team Send a NoteCard to Elanes Aeon to be added to group. This test will last 30 days with the need to get feedback on speed of HUD and any Errors or BUG issues, top ten most active testers will be offered a CSR position. This game will be a free to play with Micro transactions for advancement items. You can also post here if you would like to Join Team i am looking for 100 members.
  12. I am looking for a good artist from raw image creation, would be good if you have some web image design as well. This is Joining project postion, there would be no up front payment. I would be offering up this postion with a 25% profit income. If you are intrested in this offer feel free to contact me for more information on basic of project. Please Contact Me By This E-Mail Address All Postings on this form will go unreplayed as i do not have time to log in every day. E-Mail Address: Telazorn@gmail.com Project Requarments: Image Design Web Image Creation
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