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Posts posted by RalphRamsey

  1. bluelacroix wrote:

    Hmmmm, i hadn't thought at all about how other ppl would feel, as an adult avi hanging out with a kid avi.  When you write it out it does sound strange, and
    creepy if it was a guy adult avi.  that's a really wierd thing now that you mention it.  makes sense. :matte-motes-impatient:

    Hi, it doesn't matter how other people feel about the avatar you have chosen, it's your choice, it's up to you, so choose what you like :matte-motes-smile: I'm an adult guy who has chosen to be the same in SL, but my friends have all chosen different avatars, my best friend chose a little girl, another of my friends is a huge giant, and i'm no bigger than his foot :smileyvery-happy: hehe, another of my friends chose a smoking rat, and another a huge spider, and one is mickey mouse, they are all my friends no matter how they look :smileyhappy: :smileywink: 

  2. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    it's funny, i have a female alt that i use to take pictures of my merchandise and she has rarely been hit on. My wife used her to go shopping and i went with her. In the mall we were in
    i was approached by 18 women
    and she was approached by one single solitary man.. asking if she wanted to go dancing..  
    perhaps people are exaggerating in this thread.


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