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Posts posted by ColbyThomas

  1. Hi, i can certainly sympathise with you, this problem was a nightmare for me as well, exactly the same thing happened to me and it was a few days before everything was ok again. Your avatar photo is how my avatar looked as well, i just had my head poking up from the ground all the time no matter where i went, but i dont think my legs had collapsed underneath me, because i tried editing my avatar to raise him up using the hover slider (this is on the firestorm viewer, im not sure if the SL viewer has this) he raised up ok and i could see his whole body above ground, but when i saved it, he sprang back down underneath the ground again, the edit didnt save. welll this is what i done which seemed to correct the problem. before i logged off i left my avatar in fly mode, then when i logged on again, i logged on at a different location on the ground, my avatar rezzed up above the ground because i was still in fly mode and when i landed i landed on the ground and was perfectly ok after that. so i recommend you try the same as me, but if that fails then maybe a character reset going back to the default avatar. Good luck, i hope it works for you, i know how awful this problem is, its impossible to enjoy SL otherwise.

  2. Hi, thankyou for all your help, everything is ok now, it was where i had set my home position, i have a sky box and when i first logged in i had rezzed under the ground and even though i flew up and tried to land on the ground i kept going underneath, and even when i tried TPing other places i was underground still. So what I did was log in not at my home but a different location on the ground not sky, and it corrected itself, so i'm happy its all ok now i had panicked at first :smileysurprised: thanks everyone, and for sending my group invite for firestorm support, ive joined incase i have any more problems, TTFN :smileyhappy:

  3. Can anyone help me please? For the past few days my avatar is underground with only his head showing and the camera angle is pointing upwards, i dont know how this happened but it was just suddenly and it was ok before. I can't do anything in SL because I cant see my full avatar only his head? and the rest of his body is under the surface of the ground. Im using firestorm viewer, and have even tried to alter the hover in edit to see if that works but when i save the edit it reverts back to the old setting again. Has anyone else had this problem, and can anyone help me please, I just don't know what else to do?

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