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Dani86 Aldrin

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Posts posted by Dani86 Aldrin

  1. Hi,

    I became a victim to someone (whose name I won't bring up here) who harassed me and repeatedly nagged me by offering me a job as a prostitute to earn lindens.  I ultimately rejected, and told her in her face that I was reporting her.  She threatened to me that if I say anything to her, she would report me to Linden Labs.

    I did not do anything wrong at all.  I am an innocent person, and I fear for my future in SL because of this person.  Needless to say, I blocked her pronto, as well as her so-called friend.  I also didn't say anything else to her, and filed an abuse report, but what I ask is, how long does it take for the folks at Linden Labs to process my report?

    Just to let you folks know that people need to respect others, regardless of how they look.  If they look different, that's no reason to bully or harass or intimidate that person.  Golden rule:  If you hate the person because of how they appear or how they act, don't take it out on them.  Being respectful to others is as easy as replacing hateful messages with a simple word like "Hi" or "hello".

    I seriously cannot wait for cyberbullying laws to come into effect globally someday.

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