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Posts posted by LunaticRaven

  1. Watch I get banned for reporting them. I wouldn't put it past them. I'll just count the days, see how long it takes compared to how long I pay a month of premium for. How long I can't use a service or actually have linden labs follow up with a service they're supposed to provide.

  2. Hoshi Kenin wrote:

    To be fair to the Lindens, this has been going on for some time, now. I don't mean the griefing, but their ability to be inworld and sort stuff out vis a vis their client base ( I am loathe to call us customers, as LL clearly have no concept of such a strange phenomena he he).

    Only you can decide whether it is worth paying such a company a premium?

    It is another day with the same issue. The same griefer has the same objects rezzed on the same four sandboxes. If LL can't even manage something over the time span of three days now? There is no point in paying them for the services they offer but can not maintain. The company has been on a rapid decline with poor decision after poor decision. It's just sad to say they've reached this level of incompetence.

  3. For two days now the following premium linden sandboxes have been griefned by the user"floressasilkstream resident":

    Sandbox Decorus, Sandbox Lautus, Sandbox Mirus and Sandbox Peritus


    I submitted one report yesterday at 5:14SLT and then another today, nothing. I contacted live support three times telling of the issue to see if they'd have someone look at it - It's a linden labs owned sandbox. Today on live support, what do I get? Nothing?


    Can someone please tell me why i pay for premium if I can't even use it for the one thing I use it for - empty sandboxes. I mean, really? Has anyone actually seen the abuse reports do anything at all lately?


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