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  1. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: PixiWise wrote: As i said - his report is for FRAUD, i am online in the game and still not banned, cause they shouldnt do it - i did not any illegal. well did LL sent you exactly his abuse report ? Could you read exactly what he wrote to LL for complaining about you ? Or you just know he reported you ? No, i dont have his report /my SPAM folder is empty/. He just said, he will do it. I did Report and still have the first mail, that said the message will be see in future. If i have answer, i will say here.
  2. As i said - his report is for FRAUD, i am online in the game and still not banned, cause they shouldnt do it - i did not any illegal.
  3. Sephina Frostbite wrote: PixiWise wrote: Hello. Thanks for all answers till now. Yes, he threatened me that if I do not pay him back, he will send a Report on Froud and even banned my account. They do not ban me, but money is gone! The work - that was done by many other women in SL, I escorted him . 1. I did also REPORT ABUSE for FRAUD against him! 10-11 hous ago... and second report with more details too... 2. Till now i dont have any email from SL for the situation! Thats why i posted here. Last i received just that: Case: 01677532 Avatar: PixiWise Resident Type: Abuse Appeal Status: New To comment on this case, either Reply to this email, or visit: https://secondlife.com/my/support/?caseID=01677532 There isnt a place where you can report someone is there? Its not under file a ticket. IS there? As i said earlier, this is my SECOND report. the first was within the program On both - still dont have answer or any explain what i did wrong... even that.
  4. Malanya wrote: I saw the posts also. There may be more to this story because I looked at PixiWises's profile and the av was 5 days old but looked like a pretty well made up avatar in the profile for being new. I have no idea if this av is new or a second account and even though the other person spammed the forums it may have been done out of some desperation to get the problem fixed even though it doesn't help. I think it's possible it was fraud and that's why LL refunded the money. That's the only scenerio that makes sense to me. I read the few last 5 comments about me, the world become a worst place with every day... so spiteful. I dont know how to answer, now i have to prove my words, - am i escort - yes, i am - am i 5 days yes i am /of course i have other avi's/ is there any bad about that? -... and the most important i still dont have answer from the LL... If someone want i can paste IM with the and his ALT avi too, i post the name of his avi , who give me the money and also spoke some time too. dj milen (milen.monaron) - from where he give the money
  5. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: hum, firstly im really surprised LL got involved in such resident dispute and so fast. but anyway... yesterday, this forum has been spammed by the other person... for about 1 or 2 hour, this person didnt stop to create new threads in a of forum's category. And inside the thread themselves he pasted again and again the same post whatever the forumer were answering to him. What this person said, was that he sent to you the money by mistake and Pixie wasnt answering his ims for she refund the money. If this person reported Pixie with this story, it make sense then that LL reacted and refunded the other person. And its completely different than LL thought Pixie made a fraud. So i dont know where is the truth here and i dont even want to know.. but Pixie, you have to know this is what he reported you about. If your version is true, you need absolutely to answer the ticket the link they sent to you and explain clearly your version of what happened. Thanks that you checked that info. He's lying of course. I can not describe in words what offended me after he paid me and i did escort. Everything that can be insulted a woman in private chat and general chat has also insults. I do not understand how come they believed it was "a mistake." Why not send a error like this every day 25,000 every of us? Also I wrote on the link of the case that support sent me back ... Bottom three comments made, writing and writing. No response from
  6. Freya Mokusei wrote: ImaTest wrote: That's a pretty clear cut case, if you ask me. LL investigated, found you at fault, and refunded him. You can either appeal to LL via your ticket, or you can learn from it, and move on. LL may reverse that, and give you the funds back, after you appeal. But to be honest, I kinda doubt they will. Those are some pretty slim to non odds and I think slim just snuck out the back door. You did say you refunded him part of the money. They may well see that as admission of fraud, in some form. I don't know, I'm not them, so just guessing here. LL has absolutely no control or involvement in activities that happen outside of SL. If it happened in Skype, you're up **bleep** creek and LL won't touch that with a fifty foot prim. They shouldn't either, it has nothing to do with SL. If you want to use Skype for such things, you do so at your own risk. Of course you also do it in SL at your own risk too, but that's neither here nor there. They can't possibly address an issue that happened outside of SL. This is brilliantly on-the-mark. Others can usually word things far better than I, thanks ImaTest. The reaction by LL in this case is equivilent to what happens when someone uses sneaky tricks to intercept money from purchases made at an SL store, or when people shop on Marketplace and receive only wooden cubes. It is 'clear' fraud, as far as they are concerned. Nothing brilliantly here i see. What you say, anyone can guess. But the question is to discuss why it is done? It is a violation of the rules and laws in the world. If so violate the rules in this life, someone /i mean the support stuff/ decided like that for a minute without seeing the situation to where we are?
  7. I do not know exactly what you do not become clear. It is very simple. SL took my money and returned it to him. There is nothing wrong with what I did ... Monti Messmer wrote: As said before, no Lindens are on this forums, no official answer. First you said, Lindens took the money back now you paid it back ?!? If you did the job and he paid for why did it scare you that he might send a report ? Everyone can send an abuse report, Lindens will check and take appropriate actions based on chat-logs and more. In your case i highly doubt that Lindens would involve themself into this resident-to-resident dispute. Anyway, you send a report now all to do is wait. You won´t be informed about the ongoing case and no one will contact you in any way about the outcome. Fingers crossed you get your money back, next time be brave don´t let ... scare you on that cases. Good luck, Monti
  8. I have of course IM with him about and is even more tangled because he actually has another avatar as a second which first wrote a lot, and then wrote again with his main avi of which gave me the money. There were activities in SL and outside in skype too. I dont want to describe in sexual details. He is the real "teft", not me.
  9. I am from Europe, in Holland and many other countries the escorting is legal !!! And i think, the main problem is not if it legal, tomorrow this can happen to anyone! So, if i pay you for your, for example Dress or Skirt , and i dont like it, i can say to SUPPORT screaming FRAUD and my money is back??? is thi right? I do not even have answer from them. This is a general violation of rights and laws in Second Life!
  10. Hello. Thanks for all answers till now. Yes, he threatened me that if I do not pay him back, he will send a Report on Froud and even banned my account. They do not ban me, but money is gone! The work - that was done by many other women in SL, I escorted him . 1. I did also REPORT ABUSE for FRAUD against him! 10-11 hous ago... and second report with more details too... 2. Till now i dont have any email from SL for the situation! Thats why i posted here. Last i received just that: Case: 01677532 Avatar: PixiWise Resident Type: Abuse Appeal Status: New To comment on this case, either Reply to this email, or visit: https://secondlife.com/my/support/?caseID=01677532
  11. {dj milen (milen . monaron)} "THEFT Hello to all. How is it possible that - this man paid me my money about my done job, and SL stuff handed them back based on his most brazen lie /that i did not finished my job/. Is this normal? This is an absolute insult with my personality. So you know tomorrow when I pay someone for work done in Second life, would I like to do it like him - with lie and give me back the money every time!? Here's my case again in detail: He paid to me L $ 25,000 for work done. Then angry with my attitude, do not do anything that he wants me and threatened to report me and make me look bad. This he did, and after a report against me...SL returned to him the money from my account??! WHY! To calm him down at least, at the same time, I gave back him 5000 and I told him I did not want to see him again. I.e. 20000 L $ were on my account. Then /after 10 minutes without warn/ the money disappeared from my account, SL returned to him, but with no reason!? It is absolute arrogance on his part that SL tolerate. Why they not asked him - why he gave me this money??? I want to recover the sum of 20 000L $ which is MINE! And I will keep writing until I get an answer from SL, the support. For now, I get no response from more than 10 hours... what i can do more? Please help.
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