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Posts posted by BobCates

  1. 7 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Are they objects that are IN the desk?  As in objects that attach when specific animations in the desk are triggered?


    5 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    What Rowan says is exactly what it sounds like. If the desk has animations, it quite likely has props that rez to go with those animations. You say you have a RP location, which implies that other avatars can enter the parcel and presumably use the furniture. Check the desk's menu (or the creator of the rezzed objects) and you'll probably have your answer. My guess is that some visitors have been playing on your desk. 

    Yes,  this must be the source.  On the desk, I have a sex engine that can gives objects.  I see that both the laptop and sex toy are among the objects.  When I tried to duplicate, they disappear after I stand up.  But apparently for whatever reason, they didn't disappear after whomever used them.  At least part of the riddle is solved.    Thanks!

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  2. 18 minutes ago, BookishMelinoe said:

    Did you accidentally rezz an unpacker hud? Sometimes when I do that, the hud is transparent on all sides but one, so I just think it didn't rezz at all, until I see the room from a different angle and there's a random rectangle just sitting there.

    I don't think so but can't say 100%.  I have an adult office RP location.  What was added (rezzed) on a desk area was a sex toy and a laptop. At first I thought perhaps someone put that there as a joke.  But don't know how that's possible as I have me as only one who can rezz.    I know for sure I didn't go out and buy them but oddly when I checked the owner, it showed as me.  A  mystery.  To rule out any possibility that somehow a person got my avatar log in, I went ahead and changed my password and added 2FA (MFA) on my account. 

  3. Today I mysteriously found two objects that were in my building.  

    I don't allow others to build or drop stuff in my building. I'm the only one allowed.

    I went ahead and deleted the objects but looking at who owned the objects, it showed as me.  The creator is from a store I do shop at.  But I'm confused as to how the objects ended up rezzed there as I know that I didn't buy them and I for sure didn't rezz them there in the building.

    My only thought is perhaps the store gave me free stuff and I accepted?  But if so, would that cause items to automatically rezz? I don't think so.

    Hopefully, somebody can shed some light for me.  Even more, hopefully this won't be a recurring thing.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. 13 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I'm not sure why you're concerned about underage looking avatars entering your region and it's none of my business.  You could simply set your region to group only for starters and make the group invite only.  I have an orb set that just ejects everyone after 30 seconds.  I live in adult mainland and I've never had a problem with random children at my home.  All my furniture (although PG) is set to group use only.

    I prefer to have my region not group only.  I haven't had explicit issues with underage looking avatars at my adult place.  Though recently my child detector orb ejected someone who IM'd me and said she was not a child looking avatar.  She was an adult looking avatar in a petite shape.  But I'm sill happy that the orb flagged her as one to look closer.  I've decided to try a different detection orb.  One that still using height as the factor but is more flexible as it allows a whitelist notecard to allow for exceptions.  I know, not fool proof and height itself isn't the best indicator (my attached picture of Chip ... my new small avatar tester B| shows that -- visually under 2 ft but according the ruler calculation, over 4 ft).  Yet I think still better than nothing.  I think of this as pre-screening for TSA at airports to either let go through or have to look closer.    

    Thanks to everyone for your replies to my posts.


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  5. 13 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    What do you mean by false positives and negatives?  If you mean for height, I have no clue.  I don't know any place that uses ones like that.  


    I mean in general.  Not fixating on height. I want a orb that is good about keeping those who shouldn't be at adult places out.  Be it whatever criterion.  Since you said the new ones do a good job.  So if there are some you can recommend. I'm all ears.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    That might be true but no place (adult) that I go to uses height as a basis for admittance.  There are quite a few forum users who are on the shorter side but look completely adult.  It's kind of a thing of the past to use height as a tool.  

    Actually most of the top selling orbs don't have height as an option.

    Can you give me a few names of good orbs to look at?  I'd be very interested as I'd want a quality orb that does a good job without many false positives or false negatives.  If you can name some specific orbs for me, that'll be a great help.  Thanks!

  7. 12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Good luck with that.  I've seen avatars my height that look like young teens.  Most places don't go by height anymore but overall look of the avatar.  Just sayin'.

    I understand. But height is still better than nothing.  Looking at Marketplace, I really haven't found many orbs nor  any orbs that don't have height as part of the equation.

  8. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Try starting with the base female shape and make it as short as possible.  Why are you ejecting short people?  What is short?

    As for why ejecting, the orb is a security orb to eject possible child avatars based on height at rated M and A places.  To test the orb functionality, I need an avatar short enough in height to trigger.  I'm not against short people B|.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Shiloh Lyric said:

    You're not wearing two shapes. You're wearing a skin and a shape. An avatar is required to have 4 components, which you can't remove but only replace. A shape (the square with the head and shoulders in it), a skin (the human shape outline), eyes (obvious) and a hair/eyebrow base (the little wig looking thing). If you want to edit your shape, you need to right click on yourself, then appearance, edit shape...from there you can use sliders to change the shape of different body parts, and your over-all height, etc. I don't think you can get tiny animal size without deformers, but you can make yourself pretty short.

    Thanks for the explanation about shape vs skin.  I did notice the different icons but I guess the word shape in both gave me a curveball as I then thought they are both shapes.  These deformers you mention, is that something that's available at Marketplace?  Or are they specifically created specially?

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Try putting on the alpha (white tshirt looking item) to hide your body 

    I  put the alpha first and that hid my body fine.  But then when I measure the height, the height measurement is the shape of the alt avatar that's hidden from view and not the tiny avatar I'm trying to test with.  Which makes me puzzled as there has to be a way to replace shapes.  Otherwise, how to people ever make avatars with short heights if they can't replace the base shapes?

  11. How Do I Replace The Existing Shape of an Avatar With the shape of a Smaller Avatar?

    I'm trying to replace an avatar with a shorter one to test an orb that ejects avatars when they are too short.  I'm trying to test by changing an alt's avatar to a tiny avatar of an animal.  I thought changing the shape would be as simple as wearing the shape of the tiny avatar and that would automatically replace the base male shape of the one I'm replacing?  But when I try, seems the base male shape stays as I don't see how I can detach or remove it.  Unless I'm just not seeing how.  Here are some screen grabs to illustration.  In the example, instead of the shape of the Flat AV Shape replacing the Male Base Shape, then are both worn.

    Thanks in advance.

    bare 01.jpg

    bare 02.jpg

    bare 03.jpg

  12. Happened again.  Office building a couple other things poofed and now in my Lost and found folder.

    I tried doing a 'restore to last positon" but get a message about no build rights or something.  Though I own the land.

    I turned off the disallow rezzing on land and try again, but still get same error message.


    Guess I can manually rez and reposition the stuff again. But will be a pain to do.

  13. 54 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Go with Option Two.  It's simpler and involves less work for users.  As long as you have a modifiable version of the script, you should be able to adjust it easily if the door's orientation or size aren't exactly what the script expects.

    I actually tested at a sandbox and think I got the settings right.  The script is no mod via code but does have menu driven settings.  The only drawback to this option is 2 more prims (for a doormat outside and inside) and my parcel is near the prim limit.  But if I can rob 2 prims on my parcel, this solution should work fine.

  14. 8 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Congratulations! It can be hard to grab an object that is inside something else. It takes patience, a steady hand, and confident camera control.  If this sort of thing happens in the future, though, I suggest not removing the script.  There's a really good chance that the script simply lost its start point and could have been repaired by just resetting it once you had the door in its closed position.  As it is, without the script, you now have a non-functioning door.  If you leave the door in its closed position, the best you can do (other than dropping a new script in it, which is also a possibility) is to make it phantom so you can walk through it.   

    I tried doing a reset but that didn't work.  Perhaps further settings as I could've got the script to work properly.  The door with the script was working somewhat, but then would get stuck in the wall.  I'm guessing it is still sensing something to make it think to stay open (inside the wall).

    I have two options.

    Option (which is what I'm doing currently) is just use the script that came the parcel.  It's manual.  But what made me think of modifying in the first place is this script (non-modifiable) closes the door a bit too soon.  So, sometimes it slams the door in a people's faces and they have to try again. 

    Option two is I found a script that automatically slides the door by using doormats as the trigger.  Trying at a sandbox, seems to work and easier to set.

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  15. Thanks. 

    Making some progress. I was able to cam into the wall and found the door.  So, I deleted the sliding door script.  Thought that would fix things but the door is still stuck i the wall.

    The door is linked to the rest of the building.  Do I need to unlink and drag it out?  or would unlinking mess things up more?

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