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Everything posted by Sichelgaita

  1. Thanks for this information. Right now I can't even res. Bake failure. I've tried removing every thing from my avatar and I haven't made any changes that have not worked well before this so I don't know if this is part of the "growing pains" or if there is something else wrong. I have tried the control/alt/R thing several times and it might as well be bubble gum as well as it has worked. (i had major inventory problems last night and bought some new things when if I had known about the changes, I would have waited) I did get a message that my inventory was loading the first time I couldn't res but after leaving and returning, I am no longer getting that message but still can't res. I would pick a place to begin that is different than the shelter I am using (which is having wall res problems of it's own right now) but I already took all my cloths off, lol. I don't want to res somewhere new bald and naked. lol, I might want to return to that place one day.
  2. Hi Amethyst ! Thanks for that info, I'm sure it will be productive. I recently did a search and ended up joining a (what, group? not even sure) called Newbie Heaven. I can't find it's location now. How can I find the coordinates for this place, it sounds great. Your help is appreciated!
  3. I'm about a week old in SL. When I first started SL I decided on the female Rocker Avatar simply because I liked the jacket. So who knew the Rocker Avatar came with male looking undershirt and boxer briefs, not me. Not only do I think the underwear is disgusting to look at, I found out after playing around with various clothes that the boxer briefs and undershirt don't come off (They appear to be permanent parts of the Avatar) so that greatly limits what I can wear and it is driving me crazy. I (my avatar) can't wear bear plunging necklines, midriffs tops, low rise jeans, spaghetti strap tops strapless tops and worst of all, I want to get a breast augmentation but how am I supposed to do that if the underwear won't come off? The breasts i want automatically match up with the skin color of the avatar and guess what, there is no skin, just a swath of white underwear. I can't imagine having bone white breasts with an undershirt line through them switching abruptly to skin tone when my avatar is showing cleavage. I tried putting on the dancer's shape but the underwear is still on the avatar. Did I do the wrong thing? What's "skins" about, should I have changed that instead? I don't want to do to much changing because when I started switching things around on the avatar I couldn't res until I deleted the (body) changes. I still don't know which one(s) caused the problem or if I just went the wrong route in making the body changes but I was crashing a lot too. Yeah, like every time I pivoted too fast I would crash. ( I don't think my hardware is insufficient. I have a brand new laptop with the newest version of firestorm and Windows latest contribution to trashy operating systems, plenty enough memory, an almost scary fast processor, so I figure it must have been the changes I made since I had no problems before making them.) I thought it was best to get rid of all of them (except the dancer's body) and start over after becoming more knowledgeable. So here I am doing the "Newbie Needs Help" Thing. I am appealing to the better natures of the readers and hoping I don't get trolled too much because of my ignorance. How can I remedy this situation with the white area from mid chest to mid knee? What are my options? I'm still a newbie so I would appreciate any useful and positive alternatives/suggestions you can offer. For those that offer help, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. ;)
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