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Maxim Ouachita

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Posts posted by Maxim Ouachita

  1. A quote of the interview of http://dreamworldchannel.blogspot.de/2015/03/interview-with-computer-first.html

    "When I learned that one of the owners once was responsible for Second Life, I immediately started to create an account within a second and started to play." A staff member knows Mark's account. The staff member tells that it was an conspicuous account in relation to some "griefing actions". Mark agrees. "But it's all water under the bridge now. I was banned. That wasn't funny.


  2. "The Griefer" is an upcomming movie for the year 2017.



    A veteran griefer takes a young, attractive woman under his wing, but things get complicated when they become romantically involved.

    Not far from Mainland, now ruled by fundamentalists, Jack lives peacefully in the dunes with his wife Morena, and Maxim, their two-year-old obizyana. They don't know that an English MI-6 agent with armed guards following closely upon their heels. Jack rightly trusts no one. He knows that soon he must use his skills.

    From the maker of „Science Fiction Fantasy

    Though the film will be developed with a small budget, it needs your support.

    Details are comming soon...



    My general question is: Who experienced griefing in Second Life?

  3. Klar reicht das. Mit der integrierten Grafik laeuft SL schnell genug. Wenn Du keine Bling Bling Grafik - und davon lebt SL auch gar nicht - brauchst machst Du damit nichts verkehrt. Du sparst Stromkosten und vor allem Geld fuers Cybershopping.

  4. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Maxim Ouachita wrote:

    Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    Why didn't you cite your source?    Here's where you got those images:


    This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time that content has been ripped and brought into SL.  *le sigh* 



    Oh no! Please you need to remove that. The first posting was deleted because mentioning the source. (3rd party links)
    No joke.
    This is already the 2nd posting
    , intentionally without linking the source to keep it alive.

    • Abuse of Moderation or Moderators
      : Please honor our moderation process and the decisions that come out of it; they are being made in order to provide you with a productive environment for conversations about Second Life. We prohibit abuse of our moderation process, including the following:
      • Posts that discuss or
        re-post material
        that has been removed or locked by a moderator
      • Posts questioning a moderator’s decision
      • Posts that discuss the status of any Resident account (e.g., on hold, suspended, etc.)
      • Frivolous or malicious use of the abuse report feature

    Looks like it may get pulled again... Just keep spamming with the same subject, re-posting material that has been removed.


    Thank you for advice. Luckily there was no abuse of moderation or moderators and there is no re-posted material that would contain a source link.

  5. I found the statue in the marketplace named something like "Elf Statue"... I just found it now: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CJ-Fountain-Elf-Statue-WaterJets-Butterfly-copy-very-low-PrimLi-nice-Deco-for-a-cozy-LandHome/6237946

    It made me upset to read the email of the moderation team. Perry found out that maybe it was seen as self promotion. If this should be the reason for the moderation team: You need to know that it is a private blog. The moderation team could even read all the details in the "About" tab. And please have a look how much influence this forum has:


    It's their rules... So I reposted - without the source link. Until now I don't know the exact reason for deleting the first posting. Community Guidelines Violation - 3rd party links was the topic.

  6. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    Why didn't you cite your source?    Here's where you got those images:


    This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time that content has been ripped and brought into SL.  *le sigh* 



    Oh no! Please you need to remove that. The first posting was deleted because mentioning the source. (3rd party links) :) No joke. This is already the 2nd posting, intentionally without linking the source to keep it alive.

  7. Thank you for your answers.

    arton Rotaru: Very useful hint. The title was edited and the description was extended with viewer and system informations.

    Perrie Juran: Thankful for your compliment about Machinamas. This phenomenon was found while optimizing a system for Machinamas. Unfortunately there is no time to go deeper and make a intensive check. Not at this time. Everyone who wants to do homeworks I didn't do is invited to do so. The test specifications are written in the description.

    Theresa Tennyson: Cookies are so tasty. There is temporarily more work, but this phenomenon appears permanently.

    Yasmin Murfin: I love your locomotive.

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