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Posts posted by AlexdrCA

  1. Looking for malefemale bloggers to model for my designs from ECD and promote them via blog posts. I can't afford to pay but the outfits I send is free for you to keep. I can send a detailed notecard what I expect and you can always ask me questions or anything you need.


    I am a new designer and make both male and female outfits. Most are standard size rigged mesh items, which fits perfectly for most avis. We have an in-world mainstore, which details you can find on my profile.

    If you are interested and want to know more details, feel free to IM or drop a notecard. I will get back to you ASAP.

    Contact: Aʟᴇx Bᴀss (alexdrca)

  2. I have some people as friends on SL, but when i go to check their profile it still shows "add friend".

    So this is what I did:

    1. Readded friend - still shows add friend.

    2. Sent an add request from their profile which they accepted - still shows add friend.

    3.  completely removed them and unfollowed them and readded them - still shows add friend.

    How do I resolve this? Please don't say to ignore because it can't be ignored. both our profiles were set to "friends can view feeds" only, but  because we keep having the error we had to open the profiles for everyone. I would like to solve this issue so that both of us can return to having feeds shared only with friends.

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