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Posts posted by AuroraMycano

  1. Hello SL-community,

    I hope anyone of you has any idea how to solve this:

    Since today I suddenly keep crashing, as soon as I try to edit (moving/rotating or alike) any of my items. Sometimes it happens when the editor-window is open. But sometimes just "right-clicking" any of my objects already make me crash.

    I tried it already with two different viewers (SL , Firestorm)...and it happens every time....even after de-installing (clean-install) and re-installing Firestorm.

    Maybe anyone has a clue why it suddenly happens?
    Thank you.

    Aurora Mycano

  2. Hello Amethyst,


    yes, you are probably right. However, I just tried the search again...and voila...it suddenly shows also, after just searching for "The Dragonfly". So my issue is solved. :D

    Maybe it just needed some time to be registered.


    Thank you all again! I guess the thread could be closed now.

    Greetings, Aurora

  3. Hi Deja,

    thank you for your reply.:)

    I somehow can find my shop though in the MP shop/merchant search myself (when searching for "AuroraMycano" at least). And I can then click on the link and see my shop banner there already.

    This is also the case, if I search for other shops/merchants, who do currently not have products listed.

    But I will surely add my products soon and hope that the search will function better then.

    Greetings, Aurora

  4. Hello there,

    I am just starting to set up my first MP arts shop "The Dragonfly" and have a question regarding the settings for the merchants/shop search.

    By now it seems that my shop can only be found in the MP merchants/shop search, if searching for my name "AuroraMycano". It is not showing in the search results for "The Dragonfly" or "Dragonfly".

    I would like it to be found in the merchant/shop search though in both cases. What can I do?

    I did already change the shop name into "The Dragonfly" in my merchants home settings. But it did not help. Is it possible, that it does not show properly in search, because I did not add my art products yet?

    I hope that someone can help me. :)

    Many thanks and regards,


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