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Posts posted by MyriamLeClaire

  1. So in your opinion i'm discussing over and over without knowing if my PP account is verifyed or not? PP says my account IS VERIFIED. At its best level, as it says... So not a problem for me or PP itself.. All issues come with SL and LL.. the fact is that i've payed for a premium account and couldn't keep purchasing not even God knows why... Cause they don't notice you, they don't mail you and they couldn't make one last effort to make things clear, they just sentence.. Is there a way to have my money back at least? since I've bought a thing which I don't have the chance or the right to use?


  2. One thing is to say that my PP account must be verified, and another is to say that SL HAS to verify that.. As you can see this is not clear either.. Why the need to verify it if they accepted already once a payment from the same account? that makes no sense to me... Anyway I would have called the Linden Lab if the problem was caused by me.. But that's not the case..It's a matter of priniciple.

  3. I'm not going to call anyone.. Things MUST work since I've payed ONCE.. It shouldn't be a problem of mine. Since it's going like this, I'm forced to leave SL. There is NO support, NO help, NO mail and tons of issues to face. And the best you can say is it me to call USA? from Italy? Please.. I'll just delete my account. Easy and just.

  4. Hi, I'd like to know why I cannot buy Linden.. Each time I try it fails, and i've tryied over and over. It keeps on saying:

      "There was a problem charging your payment method."

    So.. what's the problem? I've bought a Premium Account using Paypal and it's ok, so why should I have this kind of issue? And aboveall, how can I solve it? 
    Hope you will answer as soon as possible. Thank you.
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