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Posts posted by Lboro12

  1. Hi guys,

    When you click on an prism face that has Shared Media (MOAP), and you go its settings, it has a reset button that resets itself (more like a refresh).

    Is there a way to duplicate that function in-world by creating a button attached to the prism face that says reset. That way visors can click on that button reset the Shared Media?

    Thanks in advance


  2. Hi guys,

    When you click on an prism face that has Shared Media (MOAP), and you go its settings, it has a reset button that resets itself (more like a refresh).

    Is there a way to duplicate that function in-world by creating a button attached to the prism face that says reset. That way visors can click on that button reset the Shared Media?

    Thanks in advance


  3. Thanks a bunch guys,


    Madelaine, I am using your suggestion but what if I want to draw multiple lines emanating from one object. For instance, if I draw one line to one object (after I get its UUID using touch), andI select another object and want to draw a line to the first object, it deletes the previous line and makes a new line to the new object which I dont want. I want the previous line to stay there and have it create another line.

     Innula Zenovka, I would love to test your script but unfortunately, the engine I am running on (opensim 0.7.5) doesn't some of the methods implemented.


  4. Hi guys,

    I have several objects that listen on a fixed channel. However, I want these objects to communicate with themselves as opposed to others.

    For instance, if I send a msg that changes the object's name, it also changes the names of those other objects that are listening on that particular channel.

    How do I make sure that only the object where the script is executed should only listen to itself.


  5. Hello all,

    I am using the sharedmedia plugin with navigation disabled. However, I was thinking whether it is possible to place a small prim next to the object, whenever the user clicks on it, it returns him to the homepage?

    Is it achievable?


  6. Hi Dora,

    I am paraded with error msgs after making the necessary change. The original code is:


    integer listen_handle;string detected_name;default{    touch_start(integer total_number)    {        integer channel = 25;        detected_name = llDetectedName(0);        listen_handle = llListen(channel, "", llDetectedKey(0), "");            llSay(0, "Please type the name. You have 1 minute.");        llTextBox(llDetectedKey(0), "Type your name below", channel);        llSetTimerEvent(60);    }    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {        llListenRemove(listen_handle);        llSetTimerEvent(0);    }        timer()    {        llSay(0, "Sorry, you did not type the name  fast enough and has timed out. Please try again.");        llListenRemove(listen_handle);        llSetTimerEvent(0);    }}

     The modified code (after adding touch_end) is:


    integer listen_handle;string detected_name;default{    state_entry()    {        }        touch_end(integer num_detected)    {        state two;    }    }state two{    state_entry()    {        integer channel = 25;        detected_name = llDetectedName(0);        listen_handle = llListen(channel, "", llDetectedKey(0), "");            llSay(0, "Please type the name. You have 1 minute.");        llTextBox(llDetectedKey(0), "Type your name below", channel);        llSetTimerEvent(60);    }    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)    {        llListenRemove(listen_handle);        llSetTimerEvent(0);    }        timer()    {        llSay(0, "Sorry, you did not type the name  fast enough and has timed out. Please try again.");        llListenRemove(listen_handle);        llSetTimerEvent(0);    }}



  7. Hi guys,

    I have written a lltextbox lsl script that once it touches the prim, it pops up a textbox. However, how can I modify it the prim can only be touched once and once the user enters a msg in the textbox, it disables itself and doesn't do anything else, no matter how many times you touch it.


    Thanks in advance

  8. Hello guys,


    Thank you so much for your comments.

    To give you an idea what I am trying to achieve in the greater scheme, basically the univerisity that I am attending has a particular module where we configure physicial cisco routers and switches. Given the costs involved purchasing these equipments, they have assigned me this project to actually create a virtual network lab where students log-in to Second Life game, get allocated a pre-assigned Computer (that basically gives them command prompt), couple of switches and routers, play around with linking them and assigning network commands (such as add ip, configure bgp, create vlan). This sends these commands to an actual virtual router/switch in VMware and returns the result.

    Now, as I am new to SL, I assume I would have to get the premium membership if I want to setup my own virtual network lab? Secondly, when creating a webinterface (serving as a command prompt for a vmware router/switch), do I have to embed that interface in Second Life or drop it in to an actual web server?

    Does anyone have any online examples that I can look at?

    Ela Talaj, ideally I would love to achieve that but do not want to undertake if it requires considerable amount of developer months given the time I have been allocated ( 4-6 months).

    Thank you in advance




  9. Hello guys,

    I am new to SL and would greatly appreciate it if you could answer some of my queries.

    I have to familiarise myself with the game as part of my final year project in order to achieve certain objectives. But whether these objectives are feasible or not, depends on your answers.

    Basically, what I want to create is a virtual class-room (pc lab room) where the user can configure routers inside the room and these routers are at the same connected to VMware routers.


    For instance, if an user in the SL pc lab room types in a command 'add ip address ...', it should send the command to a vmware router and return the result back to the pc in SL.

    If it is feasible, great, I will do as much research as possible to implement it, however, if not -- I need to know as soon as possible so I can look for alternative platforms.


    Thanks in advance


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