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Posts posted by SilkPiranha

  1. Well I don't have a shy bone in my body .. my left ear can be a little reclusive but that's manly due to my haircut.

    But anyways....

    Although not shy myself - I would happily chat to anyone out there who is feeling lonely, lost or anyone who just fancies a giggle!

    feel free to hit me up anytime.  I'm a brit so time zone is GMT. 

  2. Hey Sephina

    I feel your pain !

    Having recently returned to SL after a very long break - the one thing I am missing is my previous group of female friends (who have now left).

    No offence all the guys out there, you are wonderful but it's not the same as having another girl around to joke about with.


    Seph - not sure if our time zones are compatible (I'm on GMT) but you're welcome to throw me an add anytime and I'll happily give you an opinion lol  (and likely encourage you to come cause some mischief somewhere).

    Have fun xx


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