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Posts posted by RazorEyed1

  1. It would trade an absent landlord for a landlord that is at least active inworld. As I stated in the above posts the current parcels landlords haven't been online since last August. It's all been stated in the above posts. Why should I continue to pay for a parcel where my new wife can't open a package and has ZERO customer service? I'll spend my L's somewhere that at least has managers providing customer service.

  2. Thanks for the reply Richie but, first...lol...I'm never late with my tier...the issue has to do with how the tier box doesn't want to give a group tag to my new wife...think about how that's going to work when my wife can't even open something she has just purchased...lol. Second, I've been trying to contact the landlords for two months now and I doubt that since, they haven't been online as the avi's that rented the parcel to me since last summer, I doubt they'll show up anytime soon.

    I understand that no landlord is required to provide customer support. That being said, I also think that a group as arguably large as YourHOME should have established someone as a manager capable of providing the customer support that had been previously provided which, until this issue cropped up, had been stellar. At this point, I'm simply going to run out the tier I have already paid and move to a private island.

    Thanks to all who have replied, your efforts to help are greatly appreciated.

  3. ROFL...Hiya Lexy...I'll contact you as soon as I see you in world again but, the place I have is on open waters...I can sail/fly there. I'll probably look for a private island some place. I just hate to move...all the packing and coordinating with movers and such...lol


    See you soon Sweetie<3

  4. Unfortunatley I was afraid that would be the case. I was hoping somebody would know of some way I hadn't thought of..still kind of a noob after all...lol.

    It surely seems to me that for all the money they've received from not only me but, all the other tenants(this is no small operation) they would at least designate a manager.


    Thanks for your reply.

  5. I've been renting a parcel for nearly a year now and have not needed to contact the 'landlord' for any sort of 'customer service' other than a small issue in the first two weeks of taking possesion. I now find myself with an issue with the tier box and have attempted multiple times to contact all the listed 'landlords' to no avail. After utilizing the group info I see that none of the 'landlords' have been online since last SUMMER...July and August of '14 to be exact. There are no officers listed in the group info. No notice of who to contact in such cases as this was ever received. My question is how/who do I contact at this point to get my issue resolved without resorting to moving from a parcel that fits exactly what I want in a 'home'?

  6. Thank you Theresa Tennyson. I was indeed aware of the need for adjacent water to sail into, though it seems I wasn't quite as clear as I had thiought...lol However I wasn't aware of Yumix. I'll check them out and see what they have to offer. Thanks again to all for your time.



  7. I'm not talking about flying my avi....I'm talking about being able to fly a plane/helo and sail a boat from my dock etc. For that I could rent a parcel but, I'm looking for a sim that is mine to terraform and rent out parcels on....and sailabel/flyable. I know there are sims on the Blake Sea etc....which is what I'm looking for. Acquiring a sim is simple enough really, it's that sailable/flyable part I'm looking for help with.

  8. Hi all.

    Suppose one gained control of a sim and wanted it to be 'sailable/flyable'...can someone explain exacly how to do that? I've checked pricing for 'renting' a sim but, all of those are 'land-locked' so to speak. Would I need to contact LL's directly or is there a particular group that runs these 'sailable/flyable' seas that I see??

    Thanks for any input,


  9. The house already has phantom prims....they're used as door sensors...the instructions to the rezz box I'm trying to use to package my build tells me to link as many prims as I can before packaging....however, if I link the doors to the rest of the build they no longer slide sideways and would need to be unlinked upon rezzing....and of course if I link the phantom prims to the doors or the build it turns them phantom as well...if I take them into the rezz box as a coalesced object the rezz box doensn't recognize the coalesced object and doesn't rezz the doors or the phantom prims...so, I'm not doing something right, somehow, somewhere...LOL.

    Thanks for the replies, I'll check back again later.

  10. Thanks for taking the time to consider my dilemna. I've built a house which uses some doors which slide open and are triggered by a phantom sensor prim. I know that linking these phantom prims to the whole build will turn the build phantom so, how do I package these prims and doors for inclusion in a rezz box without linking them to the doors(doors won't move once linked) or the build? Will I have to create separate linksets for the build, the doors and the sensor prims or is there some way to do this more easily?

  11. Thanks for taking the time to consider my dilemna. I've built a house which uses some doors which slide open and are triggered by a phantom sensor prim. I know that linking these phantom prims to the whole build will turn the build phantom so, how do I package these prims and doors for inclusion in a rezz box without linking them to the doors(doors won't move once linked) or the build? Will I have to create separate linksets for the build, the doors and the sensor prims or is there some way to do this more easily?

  12. All I do is build...fairly new to sl....not into "going out" on my own....looking to become a "real" builder of homes and will be looking for ways to market them...I'm NOT the people person it takes to "schmooze" folks if you know what I mean. I'm an ex-sailor and ex-trucker so, no language is offensive to me. I live in Phoenix so, at it's worst there would only be an hour difference in the time and I'm virtually always on line. Would be interested in chatting with you if you think we might be able to work something out.

  13. I'm trying to build a swimming pool in a wierd place as you can see...and I'd like the outer shape to resemble a boat hull but, since I also want one end squared like the transom of a boat and the other end like the bow, I'm having trouble with getting that shape. I'm pretty sure it can be done even if it takes a several prims. Can someone point this me in the right direction.




  14. I'm fairly new...in sl. I'm not going to sugar coat this....I'm old and lonely so, if you're less than forty in rl, we probably won't have much to talk about. I'm not interested in "pose ball animations" if you know what I mean...they're just cartoons. Jaded and bittered by rl, I enjoy the escape. I don't want any drama...just a friend or two...somebody to share what I've built with, in that "Hey, check out what I've built" sort of way. Maybe someone out there can see me through the jaded bitterness. If you think we can relate at all please feel free to IM me.

  15. SHOES??? Really???......shoes??? It seems to me that the time, effort, and cost of a custom built animation just for her would score more points than a pair of shoes but, apparently, the value of a pair of shoes has been lost on me!! LOL

    Well, it still seems like a good idea to me so, as I take her shoe shopping *sigh*, the offer is still out there if anyone is interested.

  16. I really want to impress a lady I've recently met and just like the title says...I'm looking for someone who can work up an animation that when run, my avatar will throw a lasso towards the sky, rope the moon and tug a few times as he drags the Moon to her...maybe it gets smaller with each tug and she can put it in her purse...Idk, you folks are the experts...

    Of course, we would work out adequate compensation as I know this takes time and talent.

    Thanks for any consideration.


  17. I found this eleveator script on these forums and it works great...except it is much too fast!! LOL When my avatar uses the elevator it moves so fast that my avatar literally bounces off the ceiling at the top of the shaft, when it stops, and going down my avatar does a really cool looking full bodied face plant at the bottom, I might as well just jump down the shaft. LOL Can anybody show me how to slow the platform down? Or....??? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Call button Script

       touch_start(integer total_number)
          llShout(3,"one"); //Triggers the elevator
          //llSay(0, "Garage Floor"); //the welcome message.

    //Elevator Script

    vector start_pos;
          key id ="";
          llListen(3,"",id,"");//choose a different channel for your elevator to listen to other than 0, which would be "audiable" I chose 3 here

       listen(integer a, string n, key id, string m)
          vector move_pos;
          if (m=="two")//This is for the main floor level
             move_pos=start_pos+<0,0,4.79>;//exparament to set the hight just right, usually around 6 meters per floor, but of course that can very, plus you want to get it just right.
             llMoveToTarget(move_pos,0.2);//this is set so that the elevator does not colide with the floor (and cause it to wiggle, giggle and jerk)
          if (m=="three")//this is the master suite floor
             move_pos=start_pos+<0,0,13.14>;//This would normally be set around 12 meters. The settings could also be set for sideways elevators, like on the Enterprise ;P go to exact locations!
           if (m=="four")//This is for the atc control tower level
             move_pos=start_pos+<0,0,31.50>;//exparament to set the hight just right, usually around 6 meters per floor, but of course that can very, plus you want to get it just right.
             llMoveToTarget(move_pos,0.2);//this is set so that the elevator does not colide with the floor (and cause it to wiggle, giggle and jerk)
          if (m=="one")
             llMoveToTarget(start_pos,0.5);//we go home here to where the elevator was created or the script was started.



  18. Thanks for the quick replies but, alas it seems as though I am going to have to start over....I don't see the icon for a coalesced object in any of my folders....no object, no returned object, no "lost and found" not even in the trash....so, it seems I hit the "delete and send to an alternate universe" radio button. Going to think this one over just a bit longer before I start all over again...LOL

  19. The title pretty much sums it up...I was linking my house together after remodeling it and somehow it just disappeared!! I must have done something to cause that but, I have no idea what that might have been. I'm using the standard SL viewer and can't find any way to "undo' or find it in my trash folder etc...obviously it went some where, I just don't know where or if it's even retrievable at this point. Thanks for any input.

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