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Posts posted by Ashtiara

  1. You know, you saying that old man left the house wearing shorts was his way of garnering sympathy shows your lack of care or intelligence.  Why should that man have to wear pants just because his illness and device makes YOU uncomfortable?  Why should he tailor his dress to make YOU happy?  I highly doubt he walked into his closet at home and was like.."Hmm, how can I garner sympathy today?  Oh yeah, shorts, that ought to do it."  Perhaps wearing pants is uncomfortable with the device, perhaps it was hot and he wanted to feel as comfortable as he could.  FFS, he has to wear that bag, he doesn't choose to so he probably just wants to be as comfortable as he can and there you are judging him.  The fact that you say you work in a nursing facility makes me feel sorry for your patients.

    You see what it is like for them to go through what they do on a daily basis.  The fact that their entire life changes, their body turns on them, they no longer can do 99% of what they used to be able to and then they have to put up with a**holes like you being judgemental over what you think should and shouldn't be worn/done, when they are just trying to get by day by day comfortably and without being made to feel ashamed.

    And as to how avatars look in SL, you really don't have a lot of room to talk.  Your avatar isn't exactly runway model hot and borders on being laughable.  You look about as realistic as a cartoon.  Why don't you go change how you look so you don't offend others that spend a small fortune to look as realistic as possible?  Wait, you shouldn't have to should you, because it is YOUR avatar. 

    If you don't like how someone looks in SL it is so easy to fix, just derender them and go on about your Second Life instead of being the judgemental a*s hat that thinks you are better than everyone else and everyone should change to suit you.  People like you are what give SL and it's inhabitants a bad name.

  2. I just had the same thing happen to me today.  I spent all day terraforming my land, decorating it just how I wanted it.  I logged off for a few hours and came back and it's all gone.  Everything done today was undone and everything rezzed today just poofed.  I did a complete reinstall of both viewers LL and firestorm and still nothing has shown back up and I lost a bed I paid over 2500L$ for that was trans only and several other items, all total about 5000L$ worth of no copy items.  Bet I don't buy no copy crap again huh.

    I haven't had this happen to me since back when I first started SL on my original account.  I have sent my landlord an email requesting a rollback so hopefully I can get my items back but I am not sure if they will do it ro not, a lot of land owners won't, in which case I am just out the money and items I lost due to SL hiccuping I guess.  All I know is, it sucks.

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