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Posts posted by Drakkhis

  1. 1 minute ago, Frankie Antonioni said:

    So, I see that a lot of people on here don't like gachas. I have never played a gacha machine. I say to each their own. I do have them in my store, but I make very little from them. All items on them were made by Feelgood Trip, and his ex wife. I could sell them on the MP, and Caspervend, and I might make more money. But everything is set for transfer, no copy. So I may have to change the perms. But I still don't know where LL is saying changes in  legislation. What  legislation? I don't know of any new rules for prize machines.

    It looks like Second Life is just like real life. Too many busy bodies.

    For me its not that i dont like or do Like gatchas, I just see this as a gateway to start to regulate everything and take away everything that has chance in it like raffles, or lotteries.

  2. 1 minute ago, Crim Mip said:

    Except when you buy a breedable, you know what you're getting. Breeding itself doesn't cost anything and is totally voluntary on the part of the owner so not the same thing at all.

    Technically when you buy a breedable like a cat you don't know what traits it will have so it is a gamble.

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  3. The Question I have is does this effect things like 7seas fishing, Since you have to pay for bait, then you only have a chance to get a random fish, And if not, then could we create a Ticket System where the Player buys a number of tickets for lindens, and then uses the tickets on the machines?

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