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Alanna Preez

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Posts posted by Alanna Preez

  1. I wonder if it can be some exporting configuration? I still have my old mesh in my Max scene, but not even this one is working. My Max instalation is new, I had a HD problem last week so I had to get a new one and reinstall everything, I didnt change any vaulue in the exporting settings after that, everything is set to default, so maybe thats where Im having problems..

  2. Thanks for the replies. That is the proccess how I made my multi faced material, right now if I import the mesh body it has 42k triangles. If I apply the material it jumps to 340K! So its being multiplied exactly by 8, the number os sub materials my material has.

    I just made a quick test, created a new material slot and made it have 2 sub materials, the same thing happened. Once I imported on SL it counts 85K triangles, the double triangles my mesh has.

  3. But I didnt change my mesh, Im building a mesh body and uploaded it many times before. I set a couple zones that can be made invisible and the mesh always worked fine. Recently I have been working on the textures so I didnt bother uploading the mesh again.


    Today I noticed a small rigging issue, so I fixed it and uploaded the mesh again.. the problem only happens if I apply the multi faced material, when I apply a standard material everything works..

  4. Hello,

    I have been testing a mesh Im building for the past days and didnt have this problem until now. Everytime I try to upload a new mesh (test and main grid) the uploading window goes crazy and multiplies all parameters by the number of textures my mesh has..

    What happened? I never had this problem before, why is it behaving like this now? Surprisingly I can still upload the mesh, even tho the triangle count goes to the roof and the land impact goes ULTRA high crazy..



  5. Thanks for the reply.


    A friend once mentioned this interpolation problem, so I did try adding some keyframes and manually moving some joints, just a little, when I made this animation. I did try selecting all joints, enabling the "Play all frames" option and adding keyframes manualy to all frames as you suggested.. but it didnt make any difference. The avatar continues to move as a whole on its X, Y or Z axis while it struggles, the hands are supposed to be immobile and fixed in place (like on the animation) but they still move with the avatar for some reason.


    The animation looks perfect on if seen on DAZ or exporting as FBX and checking on 3Ds Max.

  6. Hello,


    I have been trying to use DAZ Studio to make animations, I got the default avatars and joints, everything I need to start makig animations. I made some testing poses and they work fine, the problem starts when I try to make animations.. The animation Im trying to make is of someone restrained by the wrists with hands above the head, I found a way to pin them up on DAZ, to prevent them from moving while I could animate the rest of the body. It worked perfectly, but when I export the file and import on SL there was always serious issues.


    The wrists would constantly move (X, Y or Z axis), even tho they are not animated and fixed in my animation, deppending on the movement sometimes the entire avatar would move on its axis. What I notice is that if I export my animation as FBX and open it on 3D Max it is perfect, the problem seems to happen everytime I export as BVH. If I visualize the BVH file on other programs like QAvimator I also see them broken, so its SL import process, it seems to be the BVH export process. I have also tryed to check and uncheck the Secondlife compatibility box on export window, but nothing really seems to change..


    Is there  way to prevent this?




  7. Hi everybody, I have been struggling with this for days now.. I dont even know if Im doing things right. I know Max is the worst possibility to make SL animations but its the tool I work in RL so Im more confortable using it than any other. I dont have any animating experiance, my work consists basically on modeling, mapping and texturing so Im relatively new to bones, etc..


    Here is what I have been trying to do:

    1) Im using SLAV to generate the rigged base model with all 26 bones.

    2) I renamed the 19 bones SL uses according to this link here. (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Joint-names/td-p/810861)

    3) Kept the T pose at frame 0 and at frame 2 I made a static pose just to test it.

    4) Run Abu_SL_BVH_Exporter_beta8, unfortunately thats the only script I found that does something. But it gives me a error when it starts to rotate each bone. In order to make it run I had to remove all this rotation and adjustment process.

    5) The generated BHV opens on BVhacker, it gives me an "ok" if I test the joints but the animation itself shows as 120f frames. If i try to run it the program crashes.. in SL it gives me errors, like "Premature end of file"


    Another workflow I tryed was trying:

    1) Im using SLAV to generate the rigged base model with all 26 bones.

    2) I renamed the 19 bones SL uses according to this link here. (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Joint-names/td-p/810861)

    3) Kept the T pose at frame 0 and at frame 2 I made a static pose just to test it.

    4) Export it as FBX and open on MotionBuilder

    5) Export as BVH.

    This works a little better.. I can import on SL but nothing happens, my avatar legs move slightly but thats it, no other reaction at all. If I try to open this one on BVhacker it will complain about the extra joints, mSkull, mEyeRight, mEyeLeft, mFootRight and mFootLeft. If I try to remove them on either max or here it wont run, on SL I will get another error and cant even visualize them.


    In all cases the animations show as over 100 frames, but honestly thats the smallest of my problems.. can anyone help, it would be much appreciated.

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