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Posts posted by Smithie13

  1. Hello,

    My name is Caitlyn and I am a masters degree candidate in clinical social work at the Smith College School for Social Work. I am conducting a research study for adults who participate in massive, multiplayer online experiences and who have not previously had an anti-racism training. The objective of this study is to learn more about the experiences of white-identified Americans from the United States with regards to their experiences with and thoughts about racism, and whether participating in massive, multiplayer online experiences has any impact on their thoughts and experiences. The study will take place over the course of one month and will require you to play Second Life using a different avatar from the one(s) you are currently using. From start to finish, this study should take approximately 8 hours to complete. I am conducting this research project as part of my studies, and will disseminate the results to classmates at my school and will also pursue publication.

    Participation is completely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time. Your identity will be kept confidential, however, your participation is not anonymous. This means that I will know who you are, but no one else who reads any part of the study will know your identifying information. Upon completion of all parts of the study, you will receive a $25 (USD) gift card or the equivalent in Linden dollars for your time.

    If you are interested in participating in this study, please proceed to my screening survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RaceinMMORPGs) to demonstrate your eligibility. Note that your responses in the screening survey will be 100% anonymous, meaning that I will never be able to connect your identifying characteristics to your answers on specific questions. If you pass the eligibility screening, you will receive instructions for next steps, including how to enroll in the study and submit your informed consent. I will send you a welcome email within 24 hours after receiving your contact information, and I will send you two printed copies of the informed consent along with an addressed and stamped envelope for ease in returning it to me. Please note that I may not begin collecting data from you until you have completed this step.  If you are uncomfortable with sharing personal information, leave only your email address when you complete the screening survey and we can negotiate an alternative method for obtaining informed consent.

    If you are not eligible for this study, but know someone who is, please feel welcome to share this note with your networks.

    Thank you for your time!


    Caitlyn I. Keckeissen, B.A.
    M.S.W. Candidate, Class of 2013
    Smith College School for Social Work

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