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Posts posted by AlbanyBolton

  1. Hi there, I am a student from the University of Bolton and I am conducting research for my dissertation on Personality traits, Mood States and Social Networking sites. I need as many participants as I can get, so any replies would be truly appreciated! :) The Questionnaire should take you about 5 minutes to fill. THANK YOU!

    Information about consent and your right to withdraw is stated below. The actual questionnaire is pasted after the consent information: 

    Online version of informed consent:

    The University of Bolton supports the practice of protection for human subjects participating in research. All research is supervised and has passed the University Ethics Committee.

    I am a student at the University of Bolton completing my 3rd year project under the supervision of Dr. Deborah Abdel Nabi. This study is designed to collect information on social networking sites, personality traits and positive and negative moods.

    If you choose to fill out this questionnaire, you will be answering questions about your mood, your personality type and your use of social networking sites. By answering this questionnaire, you will also be giving your consent to take part in this research.

    All information received will remain strictly confidential and no one will have access to it outside of the individuals involved in this research. You are free to withdraw from this study at any time and all of the information will be removed from the study and destroyed. The estimated time required to complete this questionnaire is approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

    Your participation is solicited on a strictly voluntary basis. Participation is strictly confidential. Your name will not be associated with the data, as the findings will be studied as a group. 

    If you wish to withdraw your submission of answers, please email the investigator (Albany Bleasdale) by email or post.

    Albany Bleasdale

    Department of Psychology and Life Sciences

    Supervisor: Deborah Abdel Nabi, Ph.D. 

    University of Bolton


    BL3 5AB



    This research has been reviewed and approved by the University of Bolton Ethics Committee. For research-related problems or questions regarding participants’ rights, please contact Dr. John Charlton, Ethics Committee representative at 01204 903 142 email: jc4@bolton.ac.uk


    Project Title: The use of social networking sites, positive or negative moods, and the personality traits of those who use them.


    Description of Research and Debriefing Procedure

    You are being asked to participate in a research study being carried out by an undergraduate student at the University of Bolton in accordance to program requirements for a degree in Psychology. The purpose of this study is to collect information on knowledge of the use of social networking sites, whether participants are in a positive or negative mood whilst using social networking sites, and the personality traits of those who use social networking sites. 

     If you participate in this research study, your confidentiality will be protected. Your responses will be anonymous and stored securely in a file until the project has been concluded at which point all materials will be shredded. Also, you may withdraw from participation in this study at any time. You will receive no monetary gain from participating in this research.

     At the conclusion of the study, you will be offered an opportunity to receive feedback information about this research project. Please include your name and address in a separate message (on Facebook or Second Life) and you will receive a summary of the study online. You will not be given individual results, but will be part of a larger group.

     Your involvement in this study is limited to:


    1- Completing the online survey covering three areas: personality traits, social networking sites and mood. 

    2- Giving consent to carry out the research by sending back your reply to the questionnaire.


    The measures will generally require 5 minutes of your time to complete.

     I understand that this information is provided to me so that I may decide whether I wish to participate in the present study. I am aware that even if I agree to participate, I am free to withdraw at any time and that my contribution will be removed from the study. By answering the questionnaire I am agreeing to become a participant.

     Thank you,

    Albany Bleasdale

    University of Bolton


    Questionnaire for dissertation 

    For each of the following statements and/or questions, please indicate the point on the scale that you feel is most appropriate in describing you.


    1. In general, I consider myself:

    1         2        3        4        5         6         7

    not a very                                                         a very

    happy                                                                happy

    person                                                              person


    2. Compared to most of my peers, I consider myself:

    1         2        3        4        5         6         7

    less                                                                 more

    happy                                                            happy


    3. Some people are generally very happy. They enjoy life regardless of what is going on, getting the most out of everything. To what extent does this characterization describe you?

    1         2        3        4        5         6         7

    not at                                                           a great

    all                                                                    deal


    4. Some people are generally not very happy. Although they are not depressed, they never seem as happy as they might be. To what extent does this characterization describe you?

    1         2        3        4        5         6         7

    not at                                                          a great

    all                                                                   deal


    The Big Five Personality Test:

    Directions: The following statements concern your perception about yourself in a variety of situations. Your task is to indicate the strength of your agreement with each statement, utilizing a scale in which 1 denotes strong disagreement, 5 denotes strong agreement, and 2, 3, and 4 represent intermediate judgments.  After each statement, indicate which number from 1 to 5 suites you from the following scale:

    1=Strongly disagree


    3=Neither disagree nor agree


    5=Strongly agree


    There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, so select the number that most closely reflects you on each statement. Take your time and consider each statement carefully.


    ARE YOU…


     Tend to find fault with others?

    Do a thorough job?


    Original? Come up with new ideas?


    Helpful and unselfish towards others?


     Relaxed? Handle stress well?

     Curious about different things?

    Full of energy?



    Can you be tense?

    Ingenious? A deep thinker?


     Forgiving in nature?


    Worry a lot?

    Have an active



    Generally trusting? 


    Emotionally stable? (not easily upset) 



    Cold towards others?

     Perseveres with tasks until they are complete?


    Value art and aesthetic experiences?

    Shy or inhibited?

    Considerate to almost everyone?

    Do things efficiently?

    Remain calm in tense situations?

    Prefers work that is routine?

     Outgoing? Sociable?

    Sometimes rude to others?

    Makes plans and follows them through?

    Gets nervous easily?

    Likes to reflect?

    Have little interest in art?

    Like to cooperate with others?

     Are easily distracted?

    Sophisticated in art, music or literature?

     Take an interest in Politics? 

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