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Everything posted by MasterDiabolique

  1. Thank you for your reply Jenni, i took your advice and went in to check how it's built. In the bra layer of the lola's (the one where tattoo is supposed to go on) has tha alpha blending turned on as default so i changed the transparency from 0 to JUST 1% and tattoo showed exactly the way it was in the photoshop. I'm guessing this is concerning the lola's and not the tattoo itself? If so, is there a simpler solution or a script that i can provide with the tattoos so my clients can fix those issues easier then going in and editing the breasts themselves? Thank you
  2. Hey folks, i'm not forum savvy so i hope this is proper place to ask this, apologies if it isn't. My SL business is making tattoos and recenly i started working on Lola's tango appliers for the tats. Now i bumped into a very annoying problem for me... large portion of the tats i made looks absolutely horrible when applied. Namely the edges are all jagged/missing, the colors are OVERLY saturated and transparency is completely gone. I'll attach a picture showing in-world and in-photoshop picture. I tested some tats with few friends and results were the same Friend told me to not go over 49% transparency on the layers but that didn't helped with my problem. Does anyone have a solution? Any help is greatly apreciated masterdiabolique resident
  3. hmm i installed the newest version of FBX plugin, now it works perfectly...the only issue i'm having is that texture i make for it is too dark in world... guess i need to fiddle with it some more. Thank you for all your help, really appreciated Diabolique
  4. Thank you for all the response and i appreciate the help, yes i haven't noted properly i WAS using beta viewer as well. Going to experiment some more on the subject as i switched to newer version of 3ds Max (2013) and hopefuly it will help with uploading meshes on regular LL viewer. Thanks again Diabolique
  5. Thank you for your reply I was just wondering if there is anything special when exporting the mesh from the 3DS max, i've read tha articles all over the place so i might have missed something. It seemed so far that it depends on how i export it into SL. Any ideas? Thank you. Diabolique
  6. Hello everyone I have this little annoying problem that is bugging me for quite some time. I wanted to start making mesh furniture models and some other things as wel, i'm fairly proficient with 3ds max so that was my modeling program of choice. I got down the separating the faces/materials to up to 8 materials on a single object, so it all works fine. Now, for example today i made a sofa... Textured it all nice with separate materials, unwraped UVW and baked in the texture for it.. uploaded the mesh to the beta server and just dragged and dropped the texture from the inventory onto it and it all looked FINE. Then i uploaded the SAME mesh with firestorm (perhaps theres conflict?) and put the SAME texture there and it looked alllllll over the place. What am i missing? I'm not sure if i missed a step along the way... it would be VERY VERY VERY appreciated if someone could do a step by step quick guide of how to succesfully export/import mesh from 3DS max over to SL... or point me to a guide you know about. Thank you in advance :) Diabolique
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