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Posts posted by binweasel

  1. I'm looking to see people's own experiences with the inworld and whether they feel social events (or any socialising) inworld offers them more value/satisfaction to that of an offline event.

    I personally know that my socialising within topic specific forums and chats gives me more value but it's difficult to sum up whether it is more satisfying as a whole in comparison to that same interaction with people that you are face to face with?

    Obviously, the internet has offered so much choice in regards to niche markets of fans - 80,000 blogs and growing. There's bound to be one user out there who has a passion for something that you do (even the most obscure) It's very broad questioning atm simply because I just want to know people's views and opinions on the matter at hand. It's a very chatty research method :smileyvery-happy:

  2. Unlike, the other educational posters on here - who have strong ties to anthropology and research degrees, I am a novice in these fields as I study Music Management and Artist Development, so my paper is a little off topic as you can see! :matte-motes-bored:

    It focuses around the theory of postmodernism and social cultures and i'm interested in whether digital communities offer us more value than offline communities. I'd done a previous paper (in my youth) on music cultures and social theory so I made the decision to go with a topic i'm genuinely interested in rather than one directly associated.

    My interest and involvement with SL is that (from my minimal experience) not only does it allow us to thrive within a digital community but a lot of destinations either have playlists through jukebox or resident DJs - which I love and a lot of conversations I have had inworld have spun from a shared passion in music.

  3. Hi Melita,

    I registered on the forums two days ago, but I have been inworld for the last week. And was inworld in 2008 but drifted apart from it unfortunately.

    My original post was not intended to sound like an incredibly professional, well thought out piece of work (that of a thesis) due to my own personal interest in the topic and personally; being bombarded with jargon would only tire myself as well as I can imagine others. I suppose the reason my OP is misleading/confusing is due to my method of research as I would rather have the conversations first and then apply or seek theory from the dialogue.

    I have been inworld, meeting people and conversing (on a broad spectrum, not just solely on the topic) and have found it very enjoyable. Various destinations hold very different conversation and it is interesting and fun.

    As previously stated, I apologise to those who have taken offence, and have thanked those who have inboxed me offering their help.

    Thanks for your reply!

  4. Thank you Czarl,

    I'll admit I didn't look into whether forums had been asked and do apologise after seeing so many educational posts!
    My posting was meant in good faith as the digital era is a subject (and my career) that fascinates me.

    Conversing inworld with various residents has been enlightening and I have partaken in some brilliant conversations (in general, not just in concern to the study) It is an extremely enjoyable experience, part of my research is conducting a personal diary of my own experience with SL (but as you will know, personal research cannot be justified as the entire research done for the paper)

    Thanks again for the helpful advice and reply.

  5. In reply to everybody's so helpful answers.


    I do not expect people to do my work for me but as part of my masters is to conduct my own primary qualitative research, the word primary already tells you it must be conducted myself (not reading another theorists research). I have been inworld for the past week, conversing and getting to know people and am thoroughly enjoying it.


    Some residents have been extremely friendly and helpful in discussing with me their views and opinions and I have had many an interesting discussion that has be born purely from the topics we have ended up on.


    I apologise to any who feel like I am in anyway victimising them for wanting to take an interest. This is not a forced topic on me it is one of my own choice so I do actually have an emotional and psychological investment in it.


    I guess it was my own fault for being vague in the above description but my research is based around people's opinions, thoughts and experiences so I'm simply asking "tell me about your experience with second life" and from the beginning discussion I am going on from there, as it is qualitative research.


    Thank you to the people who have messaged me and taken an honest interest.





  6. Hi all!

    I'm doing my university masters paper on the advancement of online technology and whether we can live our lives socialising soley online. If people would like to discuss and help me with some research/insights i'd be totally grateful!

    People wishing to contribute or just have a discussion about interests and stuff, feel free to message me via profile message and we can talk or discuss a meet up in second life to talk in more detail!

    (Note: anybody who wishes to contribute to my research will of course receive strict anonymity regarding information about them and their character)


    Thank you very much! :matte-motes-nerdy:

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