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Posts posted by Monzella

  1. I looked in the MP and I did not find any silk skirts meshes, but I'm willing to edit texture of ready made silk skirts with prims...so I guess I need to buy a belly dance outfit in order to own the skirt I'm going to texture...but I'm not familiar with beadrezz machine, how can I get it and where can I find its tutorials?

    You mentioned that silk skirts are not hard to build, did you mean building them in blender?

  2. I recently started creating outfits and I am not sure how this works, I am trying to make a belly dancing outfit. The top was easily done because I only need to apply a texture to the shirt whil editing appearance but the issue is with the skirt, because I need a skirt shape that looks like belly dancing costumes, do I need to make my own mesh in a 3D program? Or are there readily made skirts that can be textured on the viewer if I buy them? And is it necessary to have a 3D software to do that? 

    Thanks in advance :)

  3. Hello All,

    I am trying to upload my first clothing item from the viewer to the marketplace and I've read several tutorials with steps to do it but they're quite different so I thought maybe some of them were old and things changed.

    So here's how I read it should be done:

    1. Buy a magic box and drag the clothing folder to it and then refresh the merchant home inventory after placing the magic box in a rented area.

    2. Uploading the clothing folder using the merchant outbox, and then editing the product page.

    3. Uploading textures using the bulk upload option in the viewer and then doing one of the previous steps?

    I'm confused as to how to start as there might be a sequence of steps that I need to follow. I wonder if another merchant can help me with this. Thanks in advance.

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