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Posts posted by TigerFlyer

  1. This has been an on going issue when I moved from the old 1.23 viewer and just now getting around to trying to solve. If I go back to that viewer all skys and ground seem fine but on (Second Life 3.4.3 (268262) ) this viewer the ground from the sky is a dark brown color. If I look down it goes black to the center. I'm used to seeing blue and clouds from the older viewer which I was happy with. But in the new viewers the sky is not a fun place to be. I spend lots of time on a sky deck and it's not pretty. On the ground things look fine but if I pan or tilt camera I can see a brown mask on the horizon which is what I see over 250 meters in the sky. I have an older intel graphics card and windows xp. I fear it's my older set up but thought it was worth a try to see if it could just be a simple setting which I can turn off and continue to enjoy the skys again. Know of any setting to turn off the brown mask in the sky?  I have already attempted things suggested by friends such as clean install but no resolve.

  2. This is happening only on this alt avatar. My other avatar is fine. My avatars are used from the same source. So I deleted the contents of the settings folder which reset all settings for the avatars but this avatar is still missing the inventory photo and texture folder. Sorry I did not give enough info yesterday hopefully this will give you more info.


    Why I didn't have these folders to begin with is still a question but it has been solved by giving this avatar a texture and a photo which was taken in world from my alt and this created the missing folders. It seems if you empty a folder it disapears. Have your alt or a friend give you the items to create the system folders. Hope this helps anyone having similar issue.

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