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Posts posted by Links86



    Linden Labs now these days once pay to play style MMO are becoming out of style business models now these days if they turn free to play for a new business model and can make money some where else if so would you do this to mainland property for second life and if so you would see a skyrocket of more player to second life if you do this type of business model for Second Life

  2. Well if the labs would take out tier fees and size land restricted they would lose so much company revenue for the labs because i would understand that and the maine reason i do because i got a because strong business sense here would be a simple solution to replace the loss of revenue when you create a new account they would charge a one time fee of $10 and that would be it and that would be the replacement for the loss of revenue of the tier fee revenue


  3. LL could still make money off the Sims and buying and selling linden dollars also could charge a small sales commission fee on xstreet marketplace that's how they can still produce revenue for the Labs and if they would do that meaning lower cost to the game meaning more company profit and still allow SL players still make money off of every from land to the content people make that's how you can create a healthy environment for the player and the labs this is my point

  4. My point is that LL can create a new bussines model for Second Life players for exsample for a player who have the 4096 SQM deal lets say that person pays $45 USD a month pluse won't buy more land then he would have to pay more the $50 USD a month that would scare off most of the players of to days shakey real world economy if LL would take out the land size deal for the mainland and the monthly subscription and would find other area of Second Life to make money that would see a mayger population explosion of new and older player comeing back to Second Life

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