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Ellie McGregor

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Posts posted by Ellie McGregor

  1. I am enjoying decorating my ranch home for Halloween. Those extra Li make all the difference though I do sometimes enjoy the challenge of decorating with less Li. I havent been in SL much lately due to sudden ill health but I have really been enjoying looking round my neighbourhood at how everyone is decorating their homes. Such beautiful decor. Happy Halloween !






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  2. I don't use any security at my homes. The eject button is all I need and I admit to getting a little pleasure from using the eject button. I don't even ban them as I almost hope they come back so that I can eject them again.😁 I haven't been the target of griefing in Bellisseria very often. I think only 3 or 4 times over years. 

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  3. 13 hours ago, Gilgamesh Alpha said:

    Cave houses would be cool. I also want traditional Japanese homes, like the old linden homes.

     I liked the old Linden home Japanese theme too. It would be great to see them in Bellisseria.

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  4. On 3/1/2022 at 5:43 PM, Chloe Bunny said:

    I do this too I think I was on a quest at one point for a community to join that was more focused than Bellisseria - I found some good ones and some ones which were not a good fit but then the one I thought was an excellent fit I was pushed out by means of bullying. I wish there was some way to deal with issues surrounding bullying in online communities it can be so subtle but easy to fall prey to and so damaging. In the end I realised it was better to focus more on my RL communities and accept the Bellisseria community is as it is. I've made some great friends through Linden Homes and I can't quite drop them altogether they are too much fun at the end of the day. Have a lovely piece of mainland too not sure what to do with it right now. With the world as it is I would rather claw back some of my £ and limit my virtual escape time. Keeping one Linden Home only. 

    I am sorry to hear of your experiences. I have experienced similar, not in Bellisseria, but in a university group I was part of in SL a long time ago now. The worst thing for me was the one person I thought of as a friend was using alts to lead the bullying. Once I realised that, it was easy to just extricate myself from the lot of them. And like you did, I concentrated more on my RL community which made me realise very quickly how irrelevant to me these people were. I did enact a kind of revenge by alerting the university of what was going on (I was driven more by ensuring no more students had the experience I and others had, than revenge) and their 'community' was removed. The teaching sites are still there but the 'housing' for students was soon removed. There were actually only the handful of bullies left using that space anyway, due to the behaviour of these mean spirited, little people. Once I moved on, like you, I just have fun in SL and I enjoy it more than ever. Can't say I trust anyone though lol but that's not a problem for me.

    • Like 6
  5. I've won, again and again, lovely well situated homes from all the themes. I keep a houseboat, a traditional and a log home because I love them. But my love in SL is very transient and fleeting. Before you know it, I'll be rolling the dice again. Its just as well I have never been to Vegas, I cannot resist, just another roll 🙄

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  6. 4 hours ago, Chloe Bunny said:

    There is a great boot home made by the same creator as the burrow in the pictures - I lived in it for a short while - I thought if they ever do a range of fantasy super premium homes a choice of boot, baba yaga hut, hobbit house or Rapunzel style tower would be great! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CC-Babas-Boot/18036811

    Oh I love that. They have some lovely decor as well. I think Ill get that for my mainland.

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  7. 7 hours ago, Chloe Bunny said:

    Love underground homes - this is what I did with my last "burrow" somewhere off Linden Home turf...




    I love the richness of your decor. Gorgeous.

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    5 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

    I have to admit that I'm not personally keen on the colors in this set by Kazza, but its design is definitely something worth looking at if you're busy planning for a Modern home. The couch is 12 LI; armchair (more of a love seat, I think) 6 LI; end tables, lamps, coffee table 1 LI each; rug 7 LI; floor pillows 2 LI. I assume that the end table and lamp come with the $60 couch (and also the $60 armchair?) and that the pillows come with the $60 rug, but perhaps someone who buys any of these could confirm?  Note: the coffee table is FREE. (I assume PG and A both included.)


    The rug comes with the table and cushions and they come in PG and Adult versions.

    I wasn't keen on the colours either but you can modify them. I tried several colours and they looked ok. Everything is modifiable so you can also colour the lamps to coordinate with the sofa. 

    But like Isaac said, although you can move the table and use the rug alone, the same cannot be said for the table as there are small pile shadows of the rug on the legs of the table which cannot be edited.





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  9. 6 minutes ago, Blue Hollyberry said:

    What an outstanding photograph! The vibe from this house is beautiful, so happily situated with so much interesting water-stuff to look at. Boats, lighthouse, waterways, trees, a beautiful big sky.

    The moles have done a lovely job around the coast here. There is a row of houseboats to the left and a little harbour there. In front,  there is a small island with a few campers.  Its a lovely spot for the campers there too.

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  10. 13 minutes ago, Marisa Starbrook said:

    Sylvia answered my question. It must have something to do with rolling restarts. I hadn't tried logging in until now, and I couldn't reach any region. It looked like I was able to, then it would just hang. I was hoping that they were getting the land page ready for the new big release. No such luck lol

    Yes must be as I cannot go to my mainland place either.

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