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Imogene Polik

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Posts posted by Imogene Polik

  1. I've been playing SL off and on for about 5 years now, but recently all my RL friends have quit leaving me friendless. I have no idea where to go or what to do, I can't even find people to talk to. So, that is what I am looking to create, a new group of friends who can give me a reason to continue playing. I am fashion obsessed, I'm trying to start a fashion blog and pick up some modeling jobs just for something fun to do and a way to network. I'm pretty laidback, I enjoy voicing and really getting to know people. I'm not much for adventures, but I do like going to clubs just to listen to the music and I enjoy exploring different rp places, though I rarely rp in them. So feel free to randomly message or add me.

  2. For 2 weeks I've been trying off and on to get on second life, but no matter what I do, won't go past the 'logging in' screen. I've been playing for four or five years and have never had this problem. I've used Firestorm and the Secondlife viewer, but I have the same problem with both of them. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, even doing the 'clean' reinstall but nothing helps.

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