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Vladimir Davi

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Posts posted by Vladimir Davi

  1. Okay, okay, I'll clarify the exact point I stand on:

    I want to view not only a culture, but the system on which it is built. I have studied SL, it's userbase, and it's economy for quite awhile now, and, let's face it, for people who don't know much about Second Life, entrepeneurship is an exciting prospect that adds interest to any discussion on the topic. Economics are an aspect of culture, maybe not the one to focus on, but it certainly plays a part in how people interact.

    On that note, I do want members of other user-groups, any long-standing resident is great to talk to, even newcomers have their own spin to offer. The reason I prefer content creators is that they tend to be more well-versed in the social enviornment and what's popular. They also tend to spend more time in-game, if my profile is any indication of the opposite.

    On that note, my account dates back as far as it does for a reason. I was an active resident, not just once but for several brief periods. I may not be that deep on the inside, but I'm not an outsider either, really. Even if I'd been big for months, I wouldn't expect to see me around these forums much. You're both correct, I don't know exactly what it is that makes Second Life exciting. But that's a good part of why I'm here.

  2. I'm working on a nonfiction book about exotic and interesting subcultures, and Second Life is by far one of the most populous out there.

    The main topics will mostly be about how SL members talk and interact with each other in a cultural context. I'm VERY interested in seeing some business success stories, so that I can discuss Second Life's powerful economy. The more involved you are in the user-generated content, as well as the social aspect, deems you more fit for inclusion.

    I need permission to use your name and the content of the interview in a possibly-for-profit work. I might edit it depending on how things go, but the content will remain 98% the same.

    Depending on how things go and if the book gets published, I've also considered releasing a "Second Life Edition" at a lower price. Should I go ahead and do this, anyone I interview will get a free copy. This, however, is unlikely.

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