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Penelope Miami

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Posts posted by Penelope Miami

  1. I'm  having  similar problems only I'm running on a Mac OS X Version 10.5.8. About two days ago I got on Firestorm just fine (Second life has been extremely slow but it hasn't really stopped me from getting on) when the next day, Firestorm wouldn't even open for me at all! It wouldn't even get me to the sign on menu. It says, "The application Firestorm- Release quit unexpectedly" and asking me to relaunch but it does it over and over. I even tried downloading other veiwers and they are all doing the same thing. I finally hunkered down and downloaded the normal Second Life Viewer and even that wouldn't work! I have a feeling I won't ever be able to play Second Life on this computer again which is sad because I'm in no financial place to buy a new computer at this time! Anyone know what I could do to make this stop? It's really annoying and odd that just a couple days ago I was getting on Firestorm just fine and all of a sudden it just stopped working on me. 

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