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Gregori Krokus

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Posts posted by Gregori Krokus

  1. I never said i was gonna be copy of something. It should be just a place where I want to share some fun, music and free time with my friends. There is not much nice clubs in places of my country..

    Orca, thank you for your kind arogance. I would rather be in such club you described than reading your arogant posts :-)

  2. Thank you very much for your reply.

    I spend so much time searching everywhere and I decided to use other way to solf my problem at the end. I changed my AO and picked up animations which are not so moving - so I dont have that problem anymore.. It is quite weird way but It is woking well :-)

  3. Hello everyone,

    I want to run my own club. I'd like to use this one - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Tiki-Tattoo-COPY-Beach-Club-under-Foil-with-DJ-boot-Mesh/3937015 but I have no idea how to get some place where can I put my club.

    I want to have just small island in the middle of nowhere, a bit bigger than a club for some chairs to sit or maybe palms. Where can I find place like this and how expensive is that?


    Thank you all for reading my post and have a nice day.

  4. Cheers,

    I'm having problems with finding specific hair for my avatar. I love this hair -


    and then there is BUT: Everytime my avi moves his hair on the shoulders just go through his body. Its hard to explain but I hope you know what i mean.

    So I tried to find similar "mesh" mair but there was nothing I was looking for on Market place neither in shops i know on second life.

    I thought you guys could help me or advice where to look for them or recomend me some of your favourite hair stores. I like those mohawsk and crazy style like "Raw House" and "MADesign" and so.. but still i havent found any perfect :-P


    Thank you all for at least reading my post and have a nice day!

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