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Posts posted by TOKILO

  1. OH BABY!!!! I never saw it this bad you are right going to the next page, looking at a item, trying to buy items, and my systems rocks. But not in Marketplace it's almost like having aol back in the day of dial up. They want you to spend money to upgrade your avi and give you no means to without a problem ......TERRIBLE is all i have to say....I guess they don't want my L's.


  2. 1. I think it went something like this ....I open up my system for a day of work got a message about a gift...now I get these from time to time from place I purchase clothes at we all do .

    2. I saw a nice litte string bikini I was gonna get for my wife ( this site said Second Life Marketplace) So of coarse when you get anything from Market Place you have to sign in so I did, THAT WAS MY FIRST MISTAKE. I clicked to buy I thought it was a little strange didn't offer a option as gift. It was a freebeei gift, so I wrote it off and went to purchase it  and was gonna gift it to her later that day. 

    3. Later that day I was spinning at this point I still had my lindens cause I remember looking to see what my tips were. About 1 - 1/2 hour into my set I get logged off music still going. I kept trying to get back on to finish my set up but I couldn't, Linden Labs had lock my account up due to a Email that was like mine and they asked if I had change anything twith my the email address ended in (.IT) .

    4. So at this point I had to change my password on my account, got that done, Logged in and I had a feeling this was gonna be like this. Opened up my account first thing I did once logged in was look at my balance L$0.00 I was floored . Cause I had 20K in it ata the time.

    5. Went to My Second Life My Account went to Tranaction History found out what time my account was hit and who hit it . Filed a Greivece with LL document the account info and attached it to the greivence report. LL was great they got me back my lindens. How I don't know but they did 20K is alot of lindens to lose in one shot. From things I read these crumbs bums go after Land Owners, DJ's, Merchants anyone who deal in Lindens and has a potencial to have alot on hand to operate.

    6. The rest you know it's history and 7-8 Hours to break myself free of this thing almost 2 days later and lost 2 days of income on top of it all. Not that I make that much .......chump change but it's something to have fun with amd my Second Life Experience doesn't cost me out of my RL bank account. 



  3. It was a trial and error way of going once I ws able to get his clothes off I keep plugging at it

     I knew I was getting somwhere. I went to a low prim site and start to plug away . I did as they said rmoved all clothes and detach all next. I had to do this a few time cause it kept logging me out.then I went to the developer menu did the charcter test thing .....(but I did that earlier and it didn't work) ...This is the scary part ...I did all of this earlierand it didn't work

     I was able to bring back I original AVI once I saw that I knew I was home free. rebuilt him and went to my inventory where I found this **bleep** of a attachment and deleted it alonf with the note card I'm assumming was the script for it. This thing is a mother of a attachment ( Crash by Diablo ) and the note card said ( Newest Greifer ) if you see it get rid of it



  4. Finally I couldn't put it down and I wasn't gonna let this person win. I got my AVI back up and running thanks to all you people who were persistant in helping me have a great SL experience. Without all of you I would have given up ,

    HOORA to Everybody you Guys and Gals are great in keeping all of us up and working correctly and comming to the aid of a fellow SLer  in a time of need. Thanks so much for all the help.


    But on another note do you think that the greifer attached something to my tip box I found the Boxed Item Crash by Diablo in my inventory along with looked like a note card and deleted both of them and I didn't see any other instance in there do you think my tip box is safe.

    I know this was a new one for all of you to work through!

  5. It is some type of virus ...everyone says No Can't Be .....What it's called is Crash by Diablo.. and what it does is puts me in a box that I can't get out of and locks me up. I delete from my inventory there is a note card too I delete ..I tried going to develper and doing a avi rez male that didn't work even changed my base avi and that didn't work.  I'm on a SL Viewerso for the privacy acceptance I'm not sure where to look or revoke permission.... I took off all the stuff that he was whereing ...but it didn't come off It WON'T RELASE THEM did a Detach all stiill there ....I don't where to look for a Area Search on the SL Viewer....  I tried a firestome viewer same thing .....this is a freaking game and I'm not gonna lose to a machine..... Everytime I log and then relog it's still there even though I deleted it I even rebooted my system .....this is nuts I'm losing lindens everyday cause I can't DJ. It happen while I was DJing at Skinny Dipp Inn and all my lindens were taken as well LL return them ....Thank God small mircleswas like 80.00 US   I don't know where to take this now




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