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Posts posted by BlissyBlitz

  1. You see, this question spawned because I recently broke a rule without knowing.  I wanted an item from the marketplace for 50 l$, but the card I usually use to pay for lidnens wasn't being accepted.  So I asked one of the groups I was in if anyone would lend me some lindens, and to remind me to pay them back.  Someone DID pay me the lindens, but I was reported I think and banned from the group because they thought I did this all the time.  Or course, I don't, and I didn't want to "scam" anyone.  So, as promised, I wish to pay this person back-- now that I have more lindens.  Is there a way I can do this?  And will I be banned from SL?  :(

    OH! And now that I know this is against the rules, (which, I didn't, and I recently got scammed by a bot myself.  ^^") I will NEVER try it again.  :)

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