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Nexus Dae

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Posts posted by Nexus Dae

  1. I have a SL Store I set up a long time ago.  I never added a product, now I want to add inventory stock.  Second life has changed the delivery method 3 times at least since I started. I am doing as instructed, but I receive a generic response to ask the question here on the support forum.  I have looked all over and not found a recent and relevant article.  My goal is to make a folder with the product and use "Copy to Marketplace Listings."  




  2. I believe no one has a good answer yet on how to change that setting.  That link leads you to Windows Vista regedit, most of us are using Windows 7.  I had to switch to a better computer to even attempt a lighting trick I wanted for taking photos.  I decided to use SL Viewer as a starting point. I found this problem testing out a light project prim demonstrated by Torley, "Second Life Tutorial: Awesome rainbow lighting effects,"

     .  So in doing this created a HD light projector which casts a shadow using the settings in the viewers.  It is suggested you use Ultra setting.  This just crashes me within 5 minutes.  Then I switched it to High setting.  Make sure to hit the "Advance" button to see all the settings.  So I am lowering the Graphic Quality as many have suggested.  So I Check everything on the left but Depth of Field (why do I want to see blurry things at a distance).  Then I changed Shadow to Sun/Moon+Projectors, Minimal Water Reflection, Unchecked Avatar Clothing, Draw Distance 128, Particles 256, Environmental settings (Trees, Terrain, and Sky) to Low.  Hit OK and Apply. You would think this would be enough, right? No,  I had to go to Hardware Settings.  Unchecked Anisotropic Filtering (it IS slower when enabled), Disable Initializing (I believe this helps keep track of all the shadows), Check Enable VBO (Enable Open GL), keep Texture compression unchecked.  Hit OK.  This was all done so I could see the Ambient Occlusion effect and the shadows it creates.  When you do the above setting you lose shadow focus.  This is probably what is slowing down your graphics card.  Everything set at Ultra your shadow looks perfect duplication of you in shadow form.  When set at the lower settings it's just blurry.  I would assume it's in a way rendering you twice.   Shadows do appear for objects just not as obvious.  I am not a guru but that is my guess.  Can I guarantee this will work for everyone?  No, every configuration is different.  This is what worked for me.  Please add any arguments or clarifications.  I know there are people that know more and I am ready to learn.  I checked out the Jira link and got lost quick in all the posts and comments.
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