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Posts posted by FataMorgania

  1. I'm not sure how many of you have heard, but from Jan 1st a new EU law came into place that effects all digital sales worldwide. You can read more about how it effects you here:

    This effects us as sellers on Second Life in a large way.

    This is not just a EU problem. This a a worldwide problem. I'm interested to know if Linden labs actually know about it because as a legal marketplace and digital provider they are the ones responsible for it. Yet we've heard nothing (that i know) about it from them. Digital goods now have a threshold of 0, thus pretty much killing free trade.

    This also effects virtual currency like Linden Dollars, Bitcoin, IMVU credits etc.

    As a precaution before Jan 1st I had to set every item in my store to free incase any EU customers purchased something from me. I don't want to have to register for VATMOSS when I am thousands of pounds under the 81k threshold of my own country. As sellers we have to safeguard ourselves about this incase LL decides to not take responsibility for location tracking and tax handling on all digital items we sell to eachother.

    If you want to know more on digital tax then do a quick google for EUVAT or VATMOSS and you'll find a bunch of resources. Also there's a group on Facebook fighting this tax directly called Digital VAT 2015. They have the best links for anyone who is concerned and doesn't want to get chased by some random countries tax authorities over a $0.09 sale profit.

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