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meganumi Furse

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Everything posted by meganumi Furse

  1. well im not on sl that much to begin with i was even in a highly populated area yes it took a little bit to load but it ran better than my acer aspire i didn't even crash once. im really happy with my laptop I know most computer snobs would laugh at me but yeah.... although I might get slgo just to lessen the burden on my laptop.
  2. I just reccently got the hp stream 11 I used to have an acer aspire and I thought the netbooks would never work for sl especially one for 200 bucks but I swear to god I was able to load sl in a really great quality on this little machine it was amazing I so can't wait to get paid again because I fell in love with sl all over again and hope to restart my journey there I'll buy alort of pretty kimonos I swear if anyone needs to play sl but not drop alot of cash the hp stream is to go!
  3. Is it me? or am I actually missing the days where I can actually run SL?? I mean I used to run SL on my flipping stone age comaq desktop, my netbook wont everm run it, and I bought in 2012! I mean I'm just saying, I'm thinking about getting a macbook, not a macbook air I don't have grand fortune at my disposal! Amazon and ebay has some pretty great deals for a regular old macbook, thinking of buying a 2006 model. so any advice?
  4. Is it me? or am I actually missing the days where I can actually run SL?? I mean I used to run SL on my flipping stone age comaq desktop, my netbook wont everm run it, and I bought in 2012! I mean I'm just saying, I'm thinking about getting a macbook, not a macbook air I don't have grand fortune at my disposal! Amazon and ebay has some pretty great deals for a regular old macbook, thinking of buying a 2006 model. so any advice?
  5. could it be a connection issue? I always have that issue when loading
  6. I opened my viewer only to have it stuck...........say VFS.... I'm at mcdonalds at the moment....... I do have an acer aspire netbook... It's work when I leech off my friends network.
  7. Okay...so I'm on a crappy free wifi server Evrything else loads, my hair my socks, and the landscape.....but the rest of it won't load.....how do I refresh my thing again. Btw my laptop is the bare minium
  8. I'm not looking for an expensive kimono....hust a simple yukate would be nice for my avatar.
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