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Gemma Vortex

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Posts posted by Gemma Vortex

  1. This solution is for when you have accidentally dragged the chat bar off screen completely, not when you have turned it off via preferences. So I thought I would post the solution since I have now had this happen to me twice in the last 6 months.

    Enter full screen mode > Remove all toolbars > Then hover your mouse over the bottom left corner of the screen >  When you see the arrows appear click and drag your mouse right to bring the Nearby Chat bar back out on to the screen

    I had my Nearby Chat bar missing for about a month on Firestorm before I found the solution to bring it back. I hope this helps other SL players. 

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  2. On 6/8/2020 at 4:25 AM, seaef said:

    I finally decided to try out the HiDPI on my 16" MacBook Pro. I was a bit worried because there is a warning that it will degrade performance.

    However, I found the exact opposite. My frame rate almost doubled and the graphics are crisp and clear. It makes SL look absolutely stunning.

    Anyone else getting this same result or is it just me?


    What other settings did you change? I have the same model and if anything drops the FPS on the Macbook 16"


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