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Posts posted by Yukaritatsu

  1. Like the title says...I am indeed looking for some friends. Someone I can talk to and maybe go dance or something from time to time...

    I am a furry most the time...other times I am a human or Neko...if I remember to put my ears and tail on.... >.> I do that sometimes.

    Im into BDSM not...hardcore but I am into it.

    I don't want a partnership from you...I already am in one.

    I do flirt some...it's just natural... or somthing like that.

    I don't need a place to live or money ....inless you want to treat me to something then by all means.


    I like games and dancing though I haven't done much dancing in a few weeks since I have been a little busy....with stupid people -_-..


    Anyways if you are wanting to give it a go :3 look me up!

  2. I have worked in 3 different clubs as a dancer. 

    I also do private dances for parties and more. 

    (please contact for prices and what not)


    I like Males and Females.

    I can be a furry (black and Purple fox.)





    I like to flirt and make the coustimers feel good about coming into the places I have danced. 

    I do some emotes and thank the tippers by name.


    I am over 18 and a RL female also.


    10months old In world...(though I been playing for awhile.)


    I feel I have a beautiful body and outfits for just about anything.



    Please contact me In world


  3. I am getting a bit bored of SL. Don't get me wrong I love the friends I have on here but they don't get on much.

    So I am looking for a friend....or a few friends to hang out and chat. 

    I will tell you a bit about my self.


    I am into BDSM...not as much as I use to but I still dab in it.

    I am a neko about 99% of the time. 

    I am a bit of a furry from time to time also.

    I am a adult. (23)

    annnnnd a female.

    I have a inworld partner so...not really looking for a gf/bf.


    just send me a message inworld 


  4. Seems like my close group of friends arent on much due to time zone issues. 

    Partner being 6 hours ahead of me...

    and my best friend being on SLT 

    I don't have much to do anymore. I got 2 jobs on SL but they don't take to much time off of my hands mostly cause I will just TP my friends to where I am working so I have something to do other then spinning around on a pole.

    :D Why yes....I am a dancer. Pretty smexy to. But this is besides the point.


    Im pretty easy to get along with. And my friends are all really awesome and we all live on a big chunck of land together. And I can make room for more friends in SL

    I like hanging out, Shopping, going new places or staying around my office (im a photographer)

    I am into BDSM....I have a pet. But dont let that freak you out im pretty normal.


    ^.^ but go ahead and IM me IN world! Maybe you could be my next awesome friend.




  5. Hi everyone.

    Just looking for a Host, dancer or escort(no voive or cam) job. I been looking around at everyones posts and is planning on contacting some of them later today or this weekend.

    Maybe even working in a srore. I am up to trying anything.


    I have experance as a dancer Been dancing at a club for the last month. I left the club due to some problems with the club. 

    I am good at roleplaying  a escort and I am very sexy or I am told.


    I am over 21 (23 to be exact)

    I have had over 4 years of experiance on SL (though this is a newer Avi and my new main)


    Please look me up inworld for more info.

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