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Posts posted by Bimala1488314696

  1. Good morning to all.  I have some years in SL i am still not so smart about some issues related to viewers and tricks with griefers , maybe because in the past I was not in the eye of them.  I know there are important conditions to keep my status stable in sl, such as the memory, the graphic card, etc….well…the only I could say is…

    In the past I hosted without troubles and I had been in crowed places more than once, of course I could see the people around grey, recognize  I am lag, but even that I could send group invitation, move and talk without troubles, but just few months ago I have tried to change of venue and start to work in other places and I am with many serious troubles since that change… I cant send group invitation when I host, I could end freeze and crashed a lot in my shift. I don’t know  all the range of possible  reason such as griefers  or I don’t know what.

    How can I defend against that. I see expensive defender hud…NO idea if I need that. When I crash I have to return to my home first, because my avatar could en  cloud, but maybe naked too or very grey and it makes lost time testing my avatar situation…I would like to know the possible solution even if it includes some kind of report based just in supposition. Thank you very much to all

  2. Such in real life, second life is full of partner’s problems, before any engage see if both have: 1) Permanent communication between users. Is important to discuss everything openly. 2) Similarity of ideas (Some users like only social activities in second life. They could be hours just dancing and talking with friends. Other prefers to build and in those moment they don’t talk, also they could prefer cultural activities, or listening live music, start some business, etc. 3) Good economical administration. Both will share expenses in SL (tips, clothes, gifts, homes, etc.) 4) Good relation with her/his friends. 5) Psychological maturity in some play where deception is common and jealousy can be hell. 6) Sexual avatars harmony ;) Sometimes is just sex, so, see carefully what do you want in this SL relation.

  3. Good afternoon to all. 


    I have bought one product it sends notices to my contacts in Second Life. This product is not a subscriber, it keeps the avatar name in some list, so, I have added to my friends (I have more than 200)


    1)      May I send notices when I host some event of music, when I wish them send them cards, gifts, congratulation, etc., without ask them before? Exists some protocol? Because some friend told me that Linden Lab could banned me if someone report me like spam woman.

    In my daily routine I receive many notices about people I have not met in any place and I just read or erase and in any moment was upset for that.

    Thank you very much for your kind attention..you will excuse my little English, I hope you can understand me properly.

    Best regard

    Bimala tagore

  4. Thank you Rotar for your kind attention

    The error arises when i start to load the pic, later on the requirements window appeared.  About the browsner, when i use Internet Explorer my access is denied. I read the market place web site has a mistake.

    If i use Mozzila, it  simply start to load  indefinitely, without results. Sometimes, using mozzila, i read the page is as encrypted, but reading about it in some web site,  it's like a  security mechanism only. In conclusion: I can edit all the information of my items, but i cant  download any picture from my computer...

    Is a big problem to me..any way, i will do mantras waiting some solve from the universe...lol


    Thank you once again

  5. Hello to all you:

    Sorry if i am writing this question in wrong place, but i have some trouble editing my items. I cant load any imagen from my computer. it is impossible to up load them. I did with much troubles just 2 times, but now is impossible...i read things like: access denied, that the page has errors or is encrypted. I was wondering if you had similar problems and how to overcome them.


    Thank you very much for your kind attention.



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