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Nyan Bunny

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Posts posted by Nyan Bunny

  1. I am aware of the ToS, and that they can change certain features, but the fact they are going to potentially do changes that will in essence render an entire inventory useless nearly is rather a tad over done. I would much prefer backwards compatibility. They do not need to allow the prims and sculpts to be generated in SL, but allow the ones in existence to still work. 

    I feel this goes beyond a mere ToS event, this is a major change, basically a whole new system. Not even Second Life so to speak. Calling it SL2 does not change it is entirely something new. It should not be to hard for a compatibility coding. If such was not possible people could not get nintendo games for the PC to work with emulators. I am saying they should not say "possibly" or "potentially" but should say "We work to keep our user base from losing all they have invested years and money into." Not a damn cold ToS link basiccally telling me to screw myself.

  2. My concern is that many of us have a good deal invested into your company via L$ purchases of products. Yet now you are saying things like our expensive AOs will become useless, and we may even lose items that have sculpts and flexi prims (since prims are unknown still). This is also to include high end dance HUDs with MOCAP. Will Linden LAbs recompensate those of uis that have lost REAL money investments into these expensive items. Since I do not want to shell out another $100+ dollars to rebuild an inventory. If these things are truly going to break, and we are going to be losing all this invested trust, then I for one will not continue with SL.

    I would like to point out SL has competitors, and I am sure many users will do as I will, and may end up pulling their friends. That is how I crossed from IMVU to SL, and a good deal of us left one for the other. IMVU is dying because they do not pay attention to real concerns of a thinking user base. Stop catering to the lowest common denominator and really look into ways to preserve a happy user base instead of bleeding us for all the money you can then reinventing the system to bleed us again.

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