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Macha Moonshadow

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Posts posted by Macha Moonshadow

  1. Hello everyone!

    The title is pretty self explanatory but I wanted to tell you (my future employer) a little bit more about me.

    I am a 2.5 year old avatar (even if I started playing seriously again something like 3 months ago) and I am looking for a job accessible to someone inexperienced in SL jobs.

    However I got RL skills that someone might find valuable. I got a Managerial accounting Bachelor's degree and I'll be completing a Master of Science in Business Engineering this year (my thesis is about cost accounting and its use in the SME environment).

    Fortunately (or not) I had to work to finance my studies, I therefore acquired a wide range of skills (Hi Liam Neeson), mostly in the retail industry and in the client service sector

    That's it for the pros ^^' For the cons I don't use voice, I don't own a microphone and I feel like I don't want to mix my rl and my second life that much anyway.  And as you might have noticed by now, English isn't my mothertongue but I think I am understandable enough for most of the jobs (My mothertongue is French by the way if it's of any help).

    Also as I am living in Europe, my schedule might be a problem for activities based on US daytime. I can however be online quite a lot if it is required (an average of one or two hours every day, some days even more). 

    I don't really have a dream job so I am willing to take every offer into account as long as you provide the necessary training :) Salary isn't a big issue either, I can understand that you can't pay an unexperienced employee as much as you pay an experienced one :matte-motes-grin:

    Feel free to contact me for further details!

  2. Hello everyone

    My little question for today is : is there a way to check the number of prims that compose an item in game? i'd like to buy some furniture for my linden home but i have to be cautious about the prim count and it's sort of confusing when you are in a furniture shop :)

    thanks a lot

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